HEY!!! I never was in creative I got the catalytic lens from the EE2 flower working over night and getting the 9 dark matter to make the hyperkenetic lens and then combining it with my destruction catalyst. If you are be busting people then bust Furvik he has RM armor last time I saw.
Also how can ever have been in creative if I never helped making spawn.
Woahwoah don't go pointing things at me and my brother we both play legit there other ways of obtaining Emc than just flowers... Think about it ee in smp works at 1/4 at its full speed ever heard of dark room, milk farm, and mooshrom madness..... Me and westbury2011 sit next 2 each other so we think things through.... YouTube some of those. Take alook at the log Beatles westbury2011 and I haven't done anything ever..... But /home ....
We have red power for a reason.........