I did an expansion for our server that will convert ores we have in the world into other others by using the macerator and compressor.
Problem is everything works fine except when I use the compressor to convert custom dust into Tin and the urianiumDrop
apart from that the compressor works for silverdust and rubber just those two it's like the API does not recognize the names
Ic2Recipes.addCompressorRecipe(new ItemStack(MultiBlockServerCrafting.cassiteritedust,1), Items.getItem("tinIngot"));
Ic2Recipes.addCompressorRecipe(new ItemStack(MultiBlockServerCrafting.uraninitedust,1), Items.getItem("uraniumDrop"));
SO these simply don't work and crashes server;
Ic2Recipes.addCompressorRecipe(new ItemStack(MultiBlockServerCrafting.argentitedust,1), Items.getItem("silverDust"));
Ic2Recipes.addCompressorRecipe(new ItemStack(MultiBlockServerCrafting.talcdust,1), Items.getItem("rubber"));
these work
so what I'm I doing wrong here.