[Suggestion] Spacerays trap generator

  • Basically this suggestion is similar to various "improved" solars, but have significant advantage over all this suggestions in "balance".

    Neutrino trap always enum skyblocks, no matter where is placed it will enum 25*25 skyblocks above itself, if anything abstruct skyblock view it wont count in energy production.
    Same neutrino traps may not share skyblocks, if two or more traps share same skyblocks, only one trap will generate any energy, to allow smooth generation, traps have variable tickrate, 512-1024 with 128 steps altered every full cycle.

    TE code also a bit improved, first acts traps that located higher, then traps that located lower.
    Any trap located below will drain energy from traps located above, this allow wireless energy transfer from trap to trap and HURGE trap flowers.
    If trap found any other trap above itself it wont try to enum sky.

    Traps may be placed only above "azone" layer - 222 height, if placed lower - no energy is produced.
    Also players shoud recieve some damage if leave azone protected area without protection.

  • This sounds similar to windmills. Also, from what I've gathered, a neutrino trap is too "unrealistic" to fit the taste of this forum... IIRC, a huge water tank will only have enough neutrino collisions per week to generate a short flash of light that's not even visible with the naked eye.

    Even if you change that: It's still "use this with space around it, and use it in heights", like with windmills.

    However, personally, I like it. :)