Welcome to the Stockmarket of Minecraft. Here at the Ballstreet, are all the fictional Companies and Organisations listed, which have to do with Minecraft. We proudly present you, all good and known Organisations, without Minecraft would be very boring. Here is the List of all known Organisations and their stats (Organisations of Moddevs are listed before anything else) IndustrialCorp Leader: Almighty Dragonlord Modderator Alblaka Employees: Player (Coder) RichardG (Support) Alexthesax (Coder) Drashian (Coder) Feanturi (Moderator) Imer (Hoster) Direwolf20 (PR-Manager) Adien Alexander (Tester) Vilaz (Tester) [please tell me, if i missed someone] Description: Randomly assembling 1's and 0's since 1884, always striving to uselessy complicate the life of the innocent world population. Slogan/Motto: IndustrialCorp, where the Future might not eat your Face. Suborganisations: Apertura Agricultures Leader: DosGla Employees: MrKenny Slogan/Motto: We must because we can. Description: [Empty] Pahicraft Incorporated Leader: Pahimar Employees: A very large amount of Energycollectors MK III and a few Alchemists Slogan/Motto: [Empty] Description: [Empty] Leader: Gregorius Techneticies Employees: None (everything is still automated), i needed a few Maintenaceengineers, so i hired some from a Village. Herbert (died at the Macerationsubsection) Jacob (Maintaining the Factorysection) Slogan/Motto: Efficiency is everything! Description: The well known Automatisationcompany, which sells Blueprints of qualitative high Technology to paying Customers. Almost all our Technologies are based on Redpower, and any Technology of Buildcraft or Pahicraft Inc. is frowned upon. Ethopia Leader: Etho (aka Ethoslab) Employees: Docm Guude BdoubleO PauseUnpause and other Mindcrackers Slogan/Motto: [Empty] Description: An antique Nation, which is building awesome Vanillaredstonecontraptions to automate things, of which nobody thought before. OmegaTech Industries Leader: Mr. Omega Employees: None Slogan/Motto: [Empty] Description: Still trying to find their niche in the industrial world. SeedSmart Leader: FunnyMan (aka FunnyMan3595) Employees: none Slogan/Motto: We have a Patent on anything we produce! Description: A company selling their patented-patented-patented Seedanalyzing and Seedstoring Machines [URL:http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=5152] to us. The Seedanalyzing Machines were not so patented, see GregTech Intergalactical Leader: Nonmomentus Brain Employees: Joe Slogan/Motto: HI-JOE! Suborganisations: Description: Not much is known about this subcompany as they are encrypting anything. However, we do know that they are invisible. Except if they want you to see them.And if that's the case, you won't be able to tell anyone. MWAHAHAHA!!! Description: High-quality packs are being produced by this subcompany, however, not many customers use them as of now. Description: This subcompany of BrainTech produces plants, fungi and corresponding datachips for Apertura Agricultura's cropsticks. Cyborg Industries Leader: Industrial Miner the Supreme cyborg Employees: None. Organic beings are not perfect. Slogan/Motto: Achieve perfectness by great designed industries. Description: Highly advanced and compact designs are made here. Occupation: Experiments with Thaumcraft brains. Black Market Inc MC Leader: Kakermix Employees: actually unknown Motto: The easiest way to play your favorite minecraft mods Description: A little hut, were Kakermix sells stolen technology in shape of a Clusterfuck. Spambot Incorporated Leader: Larry Page Employees: 15839607 bots and growing Slogan/Motto: Would you like to buy a kitchen? Description: Annoying humans one post at a time. If you know more Organisations or want to add your own then Post it here. Unless you have 20 Posts or less, or are registered since less than a month ago. (good Devs excluded)