[IC 1.97] Aurora Basic Craft! Keeping MC simple. [IC 1.97 + BC 2.2.14] [NO WHITELIST]

  • [IC 1.97] Aurora Basic Craft! Keeping MC simple. [IC 1.97 + BC 2.2.14] [NO WHITELIST]
    A Simple Server. No pointless plugins. No stupid mods. Just IC2
    In order to join, you need:
    -IndustrialCraft v 1.97
    2.0p5b2 r2 (all of them)
    NOTE: The Dynamite Sticks don't works. Dont ask me why.
    Griefing is allowed almost everywhere. You can't grief at the spawn or in a city. (In fact, im not going to make any.)
    It's just like normal minecraft. No protection plugins. The only installed plugins are iConomy, Essentials, and SimpleClans. There are a few admin-only plugins, like Pex.
    To join, you need hamachi (Really sorry for this, I dont know why, but I can't port-forward)
    The hamachi network are: mineandcraft6
    and the pass is: 123
    NOTE: Im going fix the port-forward soon, I just need to know what's wrong.

    Rules of the server:
    -Do not hack. Really.
    -Do not troll users
    -Do not terraformer-grief. The terraformer is a construction device, not a grifing device!
    -Do not ask for items or creative at the admins. It's really annoying.
    -You can sell EU. If you have a great nuclear reactor, you can sell EU.

    That's all (for now)

    If you don't know how to join, ask in hamachi to a person with "[Admin]" tag. Example: fman [Admin]
    Ip is distributed by hamachi admin.
    NOTE: There are some pepole faking the "[Admin]" Tag. Only trust in this persons:

    Edited 4 times, last by fman: -Added a mod, removed another ().

    • Official Post

    Bump becouse nobody likes me ;(

    You have only 50 Views on your Thread (what is not surprisingly after just 2 Days), you should wait a bit more before bumping.

    And if you remove BC and replace it with RP, you should also change the Title!