My Industrial Base at SMP

    • Official Post

    Here are some pics of my base: (This is at TimmieCraft Server)

    • Official Post

    What is that Texturepack you are.... Oh moment, its just unusual Buildingmaterial. Silk Touch right?

    "Intressting" Processingmachine. It looks very uhhm "technical". I think my one is better and not only because its much more Energyefficient and can use all four kinds of processes at the same time, oh yes mine can also Scrapproducing, Massfabricating, Foodcanfilling and Alloyfurnacerecycling fully automatic.
    4 Relays Ontop of these massively overclocked Machines, would've been much better and lagfree-er, than 4 Retrivers + Timer + Crystalchest.

    There is a Cow under your Projecttable. Why not a Mooshroom?

    One of your Links (the huge Flag) is broken.

    All in all, your Base looks pretty random. I mean, Birchwood, Ores and Cakes all over the place, and a flying Stonethingy, within a huge open Glasscube.

    • Official Post

    1. Yes
    2. My machine is a very compact and convenient one that processes stuff the way i want. I don't want to make one that fully process,store,recycle stuff atm. If i do, i would use magtubes for sure.
    2,1. Didn't have time to learn about relays X(
    3. Couldn't find one.
    4. Which one? I can't find it.
    5. Sure it is random, i built stuff kinda randomly, one at a time without any plans.