I have built a UU-matter factory with 8 recyclers but it lags the game despite that I used Redpower pipes. Can you suggest anything else to reduce lag?

How to reduce lag from my UU-matter factory?
Replace the Ejector with a Relay and remove its Timer, if you set the Itemdetector to pulse for every single Item (its the Defaultoption), then you dont need that.
The Transposers are causing also Lag, use Filters and a very slow Timer (60 secs are enough)
And the Lag of the Blockbreakers depends just on their Timer, but generally, the more Blockbreakers and the slower the Timer, the better.
Also i would recommend you, to use MISEL mkII. To make this setup into one, you just have to switch the Itemdetectormode to Stuffed (the one with the Cross), and then just place a Redstonetorch ontop of the Itemdetector. And finally remove all the Circurity you just saved.
Make cobblegens sends outputs to chests and use retrievers to take out stacks ? [Or clockless cobblegen?]
To make this setup into one, you just have to switch the Itemdetectormode to Stuffed (the one with the Cross), and then just place a Redstonetorch ontop of the Itemdetector. And finally remove all the Circurity you just saved.
Wasnt that enough Description? OK, i will make an Update to the Tutorial.
Thank you for your suggestions! I have built a new UU-matter factory according to them. It is less laggy then my original and far more compact although a little bit slower.
will relays work when they are connected into the middle of the tube network? I want my recycles to grab a stack of cobble when there is room for it.
will relays work when they are connected into the middle of the tube network? I want my recycles to grab a stack of cobble when there is room for it.
You mean between the four Blockbreakers? Of course they do. And its reducing Lag even more!
You mean between the four Blockbreakers? Of course they do. And its reducing Lag even more!
It won't work. Since cobblestone comes from blockbreakers one by one then the relay will output it one by one.
It won't work. Since cobblestone comes from blockbreakers one by one then the relay will output it one by one.
They will come at four per Stack, what is a bit more than one by one.