Suggestion: Terraformer extrabiomesXL wasteland compatability

  • Name: Terraformer ExtrabiomesXL wasteland module

    I'm a big fan of both IC2 and ExtrabiomesXL - one of the biomes in that mod is a wasteland biome that basically consists of a new blocktype. It's a huge flat expense of dying land basically. I set up a terraformer to try and convert it to farmable land and whilst I had a good feeling it wouldn't work, I still felt a bit sad since it would of been great to set one up and then have it turn the new biome type into grassland with life and such.

    My idea/suggestion basically would be to either add the new 'wasteland' block to the cultivator's list of blocks it could transform, or add a new terraformer program using the wasteland's block.

    Keep up the good work in anycase, really liking what you're doing with the mod :)

    • Official Post

    Not possible, since we don't have access to the WasteLand block.
    You could try talking the Extrabiomes creator to use our API to create an own TerraFormerBluePrint, though.