It has begun

  • Anothe problem is that reactor hull temp is updated per each element, so next element work with changed temperature. As a result, anything after serious heat source (like uranium 4-pack) will heat much more than those before. It was not as apparent when elements were small, but now is glaring.

    My suggestion is to accumulate hull heat changes (and may be, all element heat changes) in variable(s) and apply changes only after end of cycle.

  • Anothe problem is that the reactor hull temp is updated per each element, so the next element works with a changed temperature. As a result, anything after a serious heat source (like quad-U-cell) will heat much more than those before. It was not as apparent when elements were small, but now it's glaring.

    My suggestion is to accumulate hull heat changes (and may be, all element heat changes) in variable(s) and apply changes only after end of each reactor tick.

    Also, quad-cells(and dual) seem to deplete really quickly, making them really unsuitable for large amounts of power generation.

  • in layman's term. is the new nuclear component nerfed or buffed?

    for the most part yes, but if you get technical no.
    my personnel reactor has 460 cooling (mk1) but the eu per heat components got nerfed, (probably not intended)
    but if you get into redstone clocks you can make very powerful mk5's very useable like a 560eu/t mk5 running off a redstone repeater clock to enable it to run for just enough time to run a "burn" cycle and then there is enough time for the "cooling" cycle to run before the "burn" cycle starts up again