Bug is simple - macerator is not working. when connected with energy net, It looks like it is supplied with power, but it wouldn't start. Tried to cheat from NEi, Tried batbox+macerator, tried upgrades, nothing works. Even loading IC first.
I think, that either forestry or mystcraft are messing up. At least, mystcraft did FREAKING mess out of my bees and some small stuff and api is outdated (btw tried replacing IC api in other mods zips and jars).
Dunno, weird.
Railcraft has its own macerator, at least.

[1.106] Macerator not working bug
Are you using the proper version of forge for mystcraft?
Hmm, I am using 252. Lol which is required?)
Whichever one it says on the Mystcraft site.
Bug is simple - macerator is not working. when connected with energy net, It looks like it is supplied with power, but it wouldn't start. Tried to cheat from NEi, Tried batbox+macerator, tried upgrades, nothing works. Even loading IC first.
I think, that either forestry or mystcraft are messing up. At least, mystcraft did FREAKING mess out of my bees and some small stuff and api is outdated (btw tried replacing IC api in other mods zips and jars).
Dunno, weird.
Railcraft has its own macerator, at least.try replacing the copper cable with fiber. Its a known bug if its the one I think its triggering.
Mystcraft dimensions with IDs > 127 won't work with IC2, at least until Forge fixes dimension id synchronization for those.