Hi all,
so after long long time i decide to leak some info and shot from my old project i am not working on right now.(lazy another work etc. )
General idea was to build IC2 base with all machines including app 5-10 reactors with big use of RP mod. There will be a big control room with extremely big screen as part of wall(RP lamps) with all the systems like lights, cooling, doors, power energy etc. etc. something like this:
but something bigger like from space shuttle launch control room y know what i mean
There will be also RP pumps system to store-transfer-load-uload water from BIG water tanks to help cool reactor.(yeas i know in new versions its not available anymore but i am not decided yet to use newest) I plan to use light sensors to monitor/control tanks level and base on outputs automate system to do it job. (warnings/emergency shutdown/simulated problems...)
So far i started with entry terminal with password which its possible to configure 81 pass for 3 buttons.(as first level of access to this komplex)
Than there is building for this (dont lol me pls i get it working by myself and its as simple as i can) and early control tower.
Most time i was working on this password system which include this features:
-3buttons 4level password
-possible to have repeat numbers(as same button) in pass
-auto reset at any level if mistaken
-new password can be set with 4 clicks
-pass system can by switch to test state if need for testing
-separate building with nice view control room in
-all components of system accessible
-separate lights for exterior-interier-test room with successive starting
-imo cool use of RP frames to bring up test console
-password level display
-much more
As y can see i dont even started with reactor and other buildings. So i am thinking about server if i get at least 2 people to help me.(there is a hell lot more working to get it running so i am asking before i start it)
I already own 1 paid server so i know how to manage it. For this project it will be VIPgroup only 24/7 paid by me. I dont want to make lets play/survival/legit etc. server it will serve only as my/our project build at least for now.
I can also provide my website with my forum registration pm etc stuff for this.(but only as side project i will not change my website for it) You will be free to use creative and build powerplant related stuff as you want.(or as i will say but there is space for almost anything to build so y know)
Ok few last things before screenshot wall:
1.Powerplant is and will be set in SNOW BIOME because i like it this way.(main path is illuminated (with cool lines effect thanks to RP) so snow go away...)(i can change location map seed if needed or even get it on flatland not much work with it)
2.It can be and look a bit like evil base from "The Incredibles(2004)" but with main focus on big control room/display and reactors.
3.There will be NO WIRELESS rs stuff
4. No forestry if possible
5.Limit use of computers
MODS: (for now on my SP world)
AdvancedMachinesClient v1.5
Laser Mod 1.5
NEI_RedPowerPlugin 1.3
Sorry for slovak text on images...
( sorry those are original 1920x1080 app 300kb .jpg pictures i will resize next time... )
UPDATE LIST: (...link to specific post...)
1. 2.10.2012 lights control tower
2. 4.10.2012 administration building
3. ?
in progress
4. ?
in progress
5. ?
in progress