I have just setup a small IC2 server, with 1.97. However, when I went to create a generator and batbox, the textures were messed up, just being 1 texture on all sides, machine block was the generator texture and blank side of a batbox for the batbox. I did a simple google and found out it was fixable by using Forge However, I am already using that for all connected clients. The server is using the last possible Forge for 1.25, 171 I think. Would downgrading the server version fix it, or would upgrading to IC2 1.103 help? Is there anything else that could be causing the problem?

IC2 1.97 Server Troubles: Messed Up Textures, which Forge is Correct?
!!! Forge 3.4.9 fixes the SERVER machine facing bug !!!
Install the FMLServerHandler patch for Forge 171
Ok, simply installing that patch into the server jar didn't work, I will know try updating the client side Forge to 171.
Edit: Forge 171 Client Side did nothing. Would using Forge 152 on both client and server be better? Also, I updated to IC2 1.103, which also did nothing.
Ok, problem has been solved. I had to use Forge 152 client and server side. That patch for Forge 171 didn't help. IC2 version didn't matter.