24/7 [1.5.2] Mystechcraft | Terrain to y 256 | IC2; Galacticraft; RedLogic; BC; AE; RailCraft; ICBM Mod; Forestry; TC3; Flans...

  • Screenshots:

    IP: server.mystechcraft.com

    8GB Ram (50 slots) | 100 Mbps connection | 24/7/365

    Hi there, we've been running this server with quite a few mods (90ish or so if you count addons and child mods) for about a year now. We can boast virtually no lag, due to MCPC Plus, a build of Bukkit which integrates spigot, a highly optimized version of CraftBukkit, with Minecraft Forge. Our website is at mystechcraft.com.
    Griefing and raiding are allowed as this is an anarchy based factions server, but you are protected at spawn and other areas.
    Mystcraft age book creation is not allowed.
    Solar panels have been nerfed to more reasonable values instead of a hv solar panel acting like a nuclear reactor virtually 24/7.
    Some other generators have received energy nerfs as well.

    Note: If it is your first time joining the server you will need to type "/register password password", password being the password you desire. The reason we do this is for extra security. For an in-game command list, type /help.

    To setup your client in order to join our server, go to mystechcraft.com/install

    There is no whitelist

    These are the mods we have:

    We use a few plugins, like WorldEdit, Factions, and Essentials among a few others.


    • Griefing and raiding are allowed, the only exceptions to this are world spawns and worldguard protected areas.
    • Immediately report glitches and do not exploit them. Otherwise, you will be banned if found exploiting a glitch. This includes things that might bypass spawn protection, involve item duplication etc.
    • Do not hack. When caught you will be instantly banned with no chance of returning to the server. Hacking includes xray, speedhacks, etc.
    • Do not request staffing positions. You may only request to do a creative mode build that would be for public use by all members of the server.
    • Do not complain to server operators if you have been griefed or raided. Griefing and raiding are allowed.

    Banned/Restricted Items

    • Mystcraft Age Books are not craftable. And the ones that you manage to trade for with tungsten ore will not have ores.
    • Tome of Alkahests are not craftable, holdable, or useable.
    • Buildcraft builders are not craftable, holdable, or placeable. This is due to a potentially world corrupting bug present in builders.
    • Advanced safes from gregtech are not craftable, holdable, or placeable. This is because they are an unnecessary item, in addition to making the server harder to manage against would-be glitch exploiting players.
    • All forestry backpacks and canvas bags are not craftable, holdable, or useable. These have been proven to be too buggy and therefore will remain removed until it appears they are permanently, no longer buggy.

    For a list of rules in the game, type /rules.

    For basic chunk claiming you should create a faction (/f create) and then claim by doing /f claim.

    However, these are basic protections and only protect against wooden chests being opened, doors being opened, construction by another player and a few other things.

    So one of your top priorities should be to build a forcefield.

    Any questions can be directed here, at the forums (on the website), or to our email mystechcraft@gmail.com

    Thanks for playing!

    Hosted By:

  • In short, yes, eventually. I do not plan on adding logistics pipes until 1.3.2 but as of now there is no 1.3.2 version compatible with the current buildcraft release or with the version of forge that will be necessary for mystcraft to use.

    Once it's updated I will add it as I've had about two other players ask for the same. But I'm kinda stuck until then heh.

    Once Eloraam updates RedPower I'm planning on turning the server into a 1.3.2 modded vanilla whitelisted until bukkit is ported over to forge (if they manage to do it). Once bukkit is released I'll be turning the server public again.

    I plan on adding a few additional add-ons and mods for the server for 1.3.2 if they are compatible with the current ones and with the version of forge that will need to be used. (LCTrees++, Thermal Expansion, Minefactory reloaded and a few others)

    EDIT: Perhaps I've found an edition that will work...perhaps. That's a negative (until mystcraft updates).

  • - Going to likely update without redpower. I am putting together all the mods right now and working on the configs...perhaps in a week at most. Sooner if she does update. Then I won't be so slow in updating.

  • I have just joined this server and im wondering if i can live with anyone and I would help you out and I promise not to grief you either

  • You'll just have to ask in game really to live with someone... I won't be adding greg-tech because I don't like the wireless transmitting of EU. (Yes I know it's helluva expensive).

    If you want to transmit EU, use railcraft, and mystcraft portals.

  • The reason I wanted gregtech was because of the industrial centrifuge and it made a few of the IC2 recipes harder. BTW are you going to add logistic pipes any time soon?

  • PMd you.

    I'll consider adding GregTech, but only if I can disable certain aspects, like more expensive water mills, solars, etc.

    Although I might leave in the expensive mass fab, quarry.

    All wireless energy transmission would be disabled.

    Logistics pipes will be added with 1.4.2

  • - Added GregTech and LogisticsPipes. Some aspects of gregtech like wireless energy transmission and quantum chests are disabled, a forewarning.
    - Server is still 1.3.2
    - I will be on vacation for the next week and a half and unable to respond to support requests. After I get back from vacation and if eloraam stops trolling me with windmill pictures, I will update the server to 1.4.5 with redpower as soon as a stable version of IC2 and F4113n's addons are released

  • I have two friends that play minecraft on the macs and i dont know how to get their minecraft to work.... Help please