[support request]Crash on opening/creating worlds

  • Either update NEI to the latest version or downgrade it to version (I think that's the one)

    Is the answer to this question no?


    Hey don't take it so hard. Ignorance is part of this generation it seems. -the wise words of XFmax-o-l

  • Either update NEI to the latest version or downgrade it to version (I think that's the one)

    i updated NEI to and still the same problem
    and there is no
    also in the log it says alot of stuff on IC2 so thats why i posted here rather than on CB's post or the minecraft forge forum

  • NEI is what he meant. Also, in the log, it says a lot more about NEI than about IC2. Also, in the NEI thread, there was a great big announcement at one point about this exact specific error. That we've seen a few dozen times in this very forum in the last few days.