Suggestion (if suggested before, or not possible, coincidental ripoff, bla bla bla tell me)

  • I had this idea for a while but I was too lazy to write about it.

    It's a 5*5 crafting table, AKA machine crafting bench.

    The machines are crafted in a 5*5 crafting bench with new recipes that fit in the 5*5 thing, maybe new components. Maybe some parts take up multiple slots, maybe not.

    This may require a complete rewrite or maybe even an industrialcraft 3 so I don't have my hopes too high.

    This idea was formulated with the idea that machines are very complicated to make and have small parts everywhere IRL and I thought this would make the game interesting.

    Ask any questions, and please tell me if this was suggested before, or if it's truly impossible (theoretically, anything is possible though), if it's a coincidental ripoff, or whatever.

    Edit: Or just outright say whether it's a stupid idea or not.

  • It's... probably possible, though I'm not sure about components taking up multiple slots -- that sounds like it might get clunky and hit a whole bunch of corner cases in a hurry. Other than that, it would definitely work, but I'm not sure that I see it adding anything to the experience in exchange for losing compatibility with the vanilla crafting mechanic.

    To put it another way: what's awesome about it?

  • It's... probably possible, though I'm not sure about components taking up multiple slots -- that sounds like it might get clunky and hit a whole bunch of corner cases in a hurry. Other than that, it would definitely work, but I'm not sure that I see it adding anything to the experience in exchange for losing compatibility with the vanilla crafting mechanic.

    To put it another way: what's awesome about it?

    Hmm, good question.

    I guess I just thought it would be interesting... You do raise a good point though...

    I don't see gregtech adding this too...

    • Official Post

    Hmm, good question.

    I guess I just thought it would be interesting... You do raise a good point though...

    I don't see gregtech adding this too...

    Well, like many things I plan to add Stuff like this (except for the 5x5-Part), but I plan soooo many things, that I have not enough time to do that right now.