I had this idea for a while but I was too lazy to write about it.
It's a 5*5 crafting table, AKA machine crafting bench.
The machines are crafted in a 5*5 crafting bench with new recipes that fit in the 5*5 thing, maybe new components. Maybe some parts take up multiple slots, maybe not.
This may require a complete rewrite or maybe even an industrialcraft 3 so I don't have my hopes too high.
This idea was formulated with the idea that machines are very complicated to make and have small parts everywhere IRL and I thought this would make the game interesting.
Ask any questions, and please tell me if this was suggested before, or if it's truly impossible (theoretically, anything is possible though), if it's a coincidental ripoff, or whatever.
Edit: Or just outright say whether it's a stupid idea or not.