/give quantum armor

  • I want players to get quantum armor that actually works with BuyCraft. Currently, players are getting full charged quantum that does not work and dying when they buy quantum.
    Below, the players get the quantum and the quantum does not work.
    /give {name} 30174:1
    /give {name} 30173:1
    /give {name} 30172:1
    /give {name} 30171:1
    Should I be using a different data value or something?

  • Currently, players are getting full charged quantum that does not work and dying when they buy quantum.

    Looks like the one spawned by TMI: it looks like it's charged, but it's not, so you've probably just to charge it.

    Soon with Molten Salt Reactors, right ? :D

  • You can't spawn it pre-charged because the stored energy is remembered in NBT, and /give doesn't know how to initialize the NBT tags. Spawn it as :27 and it should look as uncharged as it actually is.

  • Every IC2 item has nbttagcompond. There is key "charge" that contains the charge of item. TMI (or /give as in this example) gives you an item where nbttagcompound = null, and charge is also null (easy-to-say, it has damage value = 1, but charge is zero). You have to place it in charge slot to set up nbttag and see actual charge state.
    Give your players {ID}:27 of any electric item.