Cannot find any villages

  • Hello people of Minecraftia!
    I have now successfully installed Modular Powersuits addon, but it appears that I need an emerald!
    After searching wide and far, I cannot find any village!
    I even tried AMIDS village locator. It found me a desert temple, but I could not find any village. Strange?
    My map is from 1.3.2, and the current version is 1.4.7.
    The server config tells me that "generate-structures=true" and "spawn-npcs=true" is also true.

    What should I do?

  • I've heard that taking the seed you currently have and putting it into a superflat world will help. You fly around until you find a village, copy down the X/Z coordinates, and then go to those co-ordinates in your server.

  • What Wliu says is true, but it also depends on biomes.

    AMIDST won't even work without a clean minecraft
    I said that it could locate a desert temple, but no villages.
    And yes, I did Google this.

  • anyone can post anything on wiki, provided solution extremely ineffective and time consuming,much more effective to create same world with creative and fly around, but nothing about this on wiki.

    ah yes AMIDST most effective way possible, as already stated two times and stated in wiki.

  • anyone can post anything on wiki, provided solution extremely ineffective and time consuming,much more effective to create same world with creative and fly around, but nothing about this on wiki.

    ah yes AMIDST most effective way possible, as already stated two times and stated in wiki.

    It's even faster now that you can recreate the world with vanilla MC in Creative.

  • I *think* he's saying what I'm trying to get across.

    But per your argument against wikis, RawCode, you shouldn't be posting a link to it yourself then ;)

    And, if you read the first line:


    The player is capable of founding or creating a new village by "transplanting" villagers from an existing village, as long as the following conditions are met:


    I even tried AMIDS village locator. It found me a desert temple, but I could not find any village. Strange?

    ^ is why you shouldn't be telling him to use AMIDST.

  • I have a suspicion people are editing posts like crazy XD (but of course I have no proof-just that I think things are appearing that I didn't think I saw before).
    Anyway, Peter, have you solved your problem? It looks like people don't have any other ways to help you.