How about this breeder?with greg

  • If you want discussion you should try posting your breeder design on the New [Official] Reactors design thread, you may now post multimod designs there.
    The rest of the nuclear engineering section has now fallen into a state of disrepair as only unconventional reactor designs are discussed here...

    Plus, your design is not forwards-compatible, as in 1.5 (or the beta versions of GT for 1.4.7) thorium cells will produce less pulses.

  • The question is really why bother building this. Yes it produces over 1500 re-enriched in a 50,000 second cycle, but unless you plan to build 25 or 30 reactors you don't need that kind of speed, even a more moderate single cell breeder design is probably too fast. Far better to adjust the design for low cost, rather than high output.

  • If you want discussion you should try posting your breeder design on the New [Official] Reactors design thread, you may now post multimod designs there.

    No, that is exactly what you should *NOT* do. That is for posting new designs that are an improvement over currently held designs. Discussions belong in their own threads. He did a good job with this.


    The rest of the nuclear engineering section has now fallen into a state of disrepair as only unconventional reactor designs are discussed here...

    When you have already optimized conventional reactor designs, the only thing left TO discuss are unconventional reactor designs.


    Plus, your design is not forwards-compatible, as in 1.5 (or the beta versions of GT for 1.4.7) thorium cells will produce less pulses.

    Quite true that thorium is going to produce fewer pulses. Still don't know the details on how precisely. However, you're likely right that this reactor will be less effective after 1.5.

  • That is for posting new designs that are an improvement over currently held designs.

    That is very much not the case. In fact nearly half of the thread is totally new designs, rather than refinements of what was there when I took over.