Inventory requirements to accept items from miner

  • I tried to use a Applied Energetics ME-Chest with the miner recently, which failed. The miner also failed to place output into some buildcraft pipes as well. I am wondering what the requirements are for a nearby inventory to be used as a valid dumping location the miner's output.


  • If you want to use the miner you should use a normal chest, and then pump the stuff out from it.

    I am for right now and then moving items over to an ME-Chest with a 4K storage module in it for later transport back to base. The eventual upgrade path will probably be an ender chest that connects to the ME network at my base. My second option is probably a railcraft system.

    I think the inventory must have 9 or more slots.

    That is probably what tripped up the ME-Chest. I will have to ask the Applied Energetics author some questions about the ME-Chests now.

    The buffer from Immibis' Tubestuff might work then. I will have to try it. It would simplify things until I can get a reliable supply of ender pearls and blaze rods for the ender chests.

  • I have not tested the ME interface. However it requires a working ME-Network which requires two extra blocks besides the ME-Chest.

    For Future Reference
    The ME-Chest only has eight inventory slots.