I got the "smart" idea of creating several small stable reactors nearby one another to easily control power output to meet demand. However, building them in close proximity (2 blocks from one another, single chamber reactors), I came back to my base and had a nice big hole. It seems reactors bleed heat to several squares. What I'm trying to do is do this same technique but at a safe distance from one another.
What I need to know, and what I've found very difficult to search on, is: What is the range a reactor can "cast" it's heat to another reactor?
Put another way, how far away from one another must I build my reactors so they don't bleed heat to one another?
I do apologize if this has been answered, upon trying to search all I could get was results on putting reactor chambers adjacent to the reactor to get more squares inside it.
Also, super bonus question: Do the same rules apply to my breeder, which runs much hotter than my Mk 1?