I updatet to 1.3.2 to have all reactor parts an armors but i must have realy bad luck . The IC² Items have no sound at all incl. Jetpack what is realy silly
cause it looks like a long jump all machines and the reactor. He the reactor doesnt do anything i can put as many as Uran as i want his inventory but he doesnt make a sound or produce EU. Should i activate these items ord sound or what i´ve to do. PS: Trying since one yeaar to play IC² plus Buildcraft since one week it works ( a bit ) :). I hope i made nothing wrong.
No Sound ana incorectly working of reactor
If i use a IC² item vanilla sound crashes too for ca. 5 sec. But that is´nt relatat to my not working reactor full with quad uran cells --> nothing simply nothing. oh i forgot [ Minecraft 1.3.2 ; industrialcraft-2_1.106 ; Forge Mod Loader ; buildcraft-A-3.2.0pre9 ] I need both Buildcraft and Industrialcraft.
Reactors now need a redstone signal to turn on, and for sounds, go into the config and enable them.
btw, if you are updating, try updating to the latest version, if you are having difficulty you can try using a modpack like feed the beast.
Ok but in wich config can i activate the sound. I uploaded to the latest version 1.4.5 but i had the problem that Buildcraft and Indistrial didn´t work together they work allone, bute they are not compatible. So i installed 1.3.2.
Ok but in wich config can i activate the sound. I uploaded to the latest version 1.4.5 but i had the problem that Buildcraft and Indistrial didn´t work together they work allone, bute they are not compatible. So i installed 1.3.2.
Current version is 1.5.2 :p
The Config is found in the config folder in .minecraft, it is a pretty obvious name if you see it.
Sounds are enabled this doesn´t fix the problem yeah 1.5.2 is lthe latest version but the latest IC² version is made for 1.4.5 or should be so. i would update to the latest verison if i can install IC² and Buildcraft correct. But i tried it many times and never got it it always crashes and says unexpected jave error so i´ve to play on this verison till someone show me how to install IC" and Buildcraft on th newest verison.
To install both mods: Install forge first and then drag mods into mods folder. Resolve ID conflicts if any. Done.
IC2 is still at 1.4.5? Bullshit. http://ic2api.player.to:8080/job/ic2_lf/
You probably have problems with not using a version of Buildcrash for 1.4.5. Just take Buildcrash 3.5.3 and IC2 340-lf and you're done.
yeah and were do i get IC² for 1.5.2 on the wiki is the latest version for 1.4.5 and that link doenst work.
yeah and were do i get IC² for 1.5.2 on the wiki is the latest version for 1.4.5 and that link doenst work.
That's because the wiki is extremely outdated. There are at least 2 versions of IC2 that are floating out there:
- The 1.4.7 beta which is stickied in this section.
- That link which I just gave you, which links to a list of developmental builds (a.k.a. snapshots) of IC2. All of them are for 1.5 - 1.5.2. Click on any of the dates in build history and it will tell you about that build of IC2, its changes from the previous build and downloads. It is working, so unless you have a firewall or the website is down, you are wrong.