Modded minecraft with AfterWind!

  • Hello everyone, I'm AfterWind and I am streaming a lot of Minecraft
    content on twitch. I've been streaming for quite some time now but I
    noticed that not many are joining my stream, so I decided to get my name
    known out there

    I'm usually playing Minecraft modded with almost the same mods that are on the FTB Ultimate modpack.
    The server that I'm playing on is called Mineguild and you can find more information about it HERE.
    I wouldn't mind people to join the server that I'm plating on but, as
    you will see, I need some money to improve my streaming quality also the
    server owner needs money to pay the rent for it, so if you want to join
    the Mineguild MMP Private server donate at least 5$ either to me or to the server admin. Other than that we also have a public FTB Ultimate server that is free-to-play. Go to my stream for more information about the servers.

    I'm streaming every day from 1:00 - 2:00 GMT to 7:00 - 8:00 GMT, I'm trying to keep a solid 4-5 hour
    stream daily. Fridays are usually the days I have to do some maintenance
    to the servers.

    You can find my stream here: