GregTech API problem

  • Hi!

    I'm trying to develop addon for GregTech 2.90h for my home server (1.4.7) and I have strange problem with Greg API

    I have added new receip for GT devices something like this:

    GT_Mod.addElectrolyzerRecipe(fluoriteDust, 3, fluorine, calcium, null, null, 10, 64);


    GregTech_API.addElectrolyzerRecipe(fluoriteDust, 3, fluorine, calcium, null, null, 10, 64);

    Receip is added successfully but duration time in game is incorrect. I have 500 sec instead of 10.

    What is wrong? How can I add receip with other duration?

    • Official Post

    Your Problem is that you had the 500 seconds for that Recipe while testing. That has added a Config option for the Duration in the Dynamic Config, and now it always takes the duration from the Config.

    This slightly unintended behavior will be fixed for the 1.6 Version by adding the default duration as additional Value to the Name of the Config.