I don't really know how to add it to my SRC, or modify recipes of existing items, modify the items, I don't even know how to find the items...
I need a bit of help, I would very appreciate it.
I don't really know how to add it to my SRC, or modify recipes of existing items, modify the items, I don't even know how to find the items...
I need a bit of help, I would very appreciate it.
I already know how to do everything modding-wise. Aside from using an API from another mod, or referencing items from that mod.
I just need a small walkthrough for that. Tutorial, explanation, anything.
-=[ IC2 API Tutorials ]=- AGK's Basic Usage Tutorials
Hopefully this helps
Thank you, that was EXACTLY what I needed. Thanks for the help.
I hope to make a great mod and get a playable build out soon.
Okay, that put me in the right direction...But I still need a bit of help.
When I try to make a new recipe for the Macerator, it says "The method addRecipe(ItemStack, ItemStack) in the type IMachineRecipeManager<ItemStack> is not applicable for the arguments (ItemStack, Item)" I'm not quite sure what the issue is, because even if I make the item I'm trying to get into an ItemStack, it will say this: "Type mismatch: cannot convert from void to Object"
Also how do I use things that have Metadata in a recipe, such as the Lapotron Crystal? You can't just use, "ItemStack LapotronCrystal = Items.getItem("lapotronCrystal");"...
Sorry for being a bothersome Noob, but I've done all the searching I can do and everything is extremely outdated.
I'd still appreciate some help with this, if anyone has any ideas on how to explain it to me.
Unfortunately my recipe tutorials are a little outdated. I would update them, but they seem to be changing all the time. Ergo, I am waiting on it to slow down before I continue making new tutorials.
As of right now for recipes, (Last I checked anyway), the input is no longer a ItemStack. The input is IRecipeInput. An example on how to use that is as follows:
Recipes.macerator.addRecipe(new RecipeInputItemStack(itemstackthinggoeshere), null, itemstack.of.an.output);
For more advanced machines that support multiple out put (Thermal centrifuge), the output part is a vararg. That means if you want another output, simply add another itemstack to the end of you addRecipe method. Example:
Recipes.macerator.addRecipe(new RecipeInputItemStack(itemstackthinggoeshere), null, itemstack.of.an.output, another.itemstack, yet.another.itemstack);
As for the metadata thing. Do you mean like vanilla metadata, aka damage? Or like the recipes requires a certain amount of power to be stored in the item?
I would like to also point out that if your input item is in the oreDictionary, I recommend using the RecipeInputOreDict("oreDictNameGoesHere", [optional int of quantity]) for the IRecipeInput section. Once again, example:
or in this example requiring 5 tin plates