Crafting Table isn't working on 1.6.2. We can find rubber trees and everything but when we try to craft things on the crafting table its a no go? We have refined iron and everything also but when we go to put 8 refined iron on the crafting table nothing shows up.
Crafting Table not working for 1.6.2
Are you using Ic2 Experimental? If so, Refined iron is being removed, and is not used in any recipes (its only still there so people don't loose their iron/addons wont break).
The way to make a machine block is to use normal iron, turn it into plates then craft. To make plates you need a Forge Hammer crafted like so:
= Nothing
= Stick
= Normal iron ingots.
Also I would recommend you install Not Enough Items (NEI), it has a recipe lookup system that is very useful.
Yeah we figured that out with NEI lol.