Crafting Table not working for 1.6.2

  • Crafting Table isn't working on 1.6.2. We can find rubber trees and everything but when we try to craft things on the crafting table its a no go? We have refined iron and everything also but when we go to put 8 refined iron on the crafting table nothing shows up.

  • Are you using Ic2 Experimental? If so, Refined iron is being removed, and is not used in any recipes (its only still there so people don't loose their iron/addons wont break).

    The way to make a machine block is to use normal iron, turn it into plates then craft. To make plates you need a Forge Hammer crafted like so:

    :Refined Iron: :Refined Iron: :Force Field:
    :Refined Iron: :Cable: :Cable:
    :Refined Iron: :Refined Iron: :Force Field:

    :Force Field: = Nothing :Cable: = Stick :Refined Iron: = Normal iron ingots.

    Also I would recommend you install Not Enough Items (NEI), it has a recipe lookup system that is very useful.