Posts by Wliu

    CovertJaguar's said that the Builder is 100% broken, which is the block that's taking up #4095... (It's on the list for a major re-write)

    That basically is disabling. If they don't generate, you can't use them ;) (unless you're in creative of course)

    First-Did you really need 9000 spaces between each line?



    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot
    4074 is already occupied by ic2.common.BlockTex@102a953 when adding

    Problem solved. You have an ID conflict with Forestry and IC2. Go the .configs/.confs of them and solve it. Next time, please attempt to diagnose your crash-report/read some of the other crash reports :/

    Solution: Take the conflicting mods out of the mods folder and run MC ;) . The NEI thing should be in Options, and then click around until you find something like "Dump Unused Block IDs to File".

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 241 is already occupied by ic2.common.BlockRubSapling@f690e4 when adding codechicken.enderstorage.BlockEnderChest@1a29450

    You have an ID conflict with Slot 241. I suggest switching the Enderchest slot to 251 (in config\EnderStorage.cfg). Please actually try to diagnose the error message yourself...