Posts by Thutmose

    Oh, easily. All it is is some Crystalised Aluminium (III) Oxide and some Copper/Chrome Oxide traces. Mix Aluminium and Chrome/Copper Dust together (95% Aluminium) Melt in a very hot furnace, Cool in a SingleCrystal form. Done. Sapphires are Aluminium (III) Oxide and Trace Iron, titanium or magnesium.

    I think a few pages ago I made a suggestion about how to go about doing this.

    I'm not sure you understood me 100%, but what I meant is that since SC lock themselves in space when in a magnetic field, without giving a f*** about gravity, you can actually connect the magnet to the SC itself to make a self-locking mechanism that can move freely. All you have to worry about is cooling the SC, supplying energy to the magnets and make sure the SC is heavy enough to lock the magnet and anything attached. I think that SC lock themselves and everything connected at a specific force (in newtons) related to their mass, and that force must be greater than anything applied to it (that means gravity or manually moving) to not rearrange the fluxons.

    They do care about gravity, if the magnetic field is too weak, or the mass to high, they will not float. The floating effect is just that miessner effect i linked. It is simply the superconductor resisting a change in magnetic flux, due to screening effects of surface currents, plus some extra effects due to QM and the fact that the electrons are a superfluid.

    suggestion: Laser based wireless power transmission (credit for idea goes to kenken, I had entirely forgotten that I made this spreadsheet a while ago)

    Have a transmission block be a multi block structure which is essentially a large free electron laser (FEL), which operates in the microwave spectrum (to allow for highly efficient, high powered mirrors, reducing the needed length of the FEL). These can be made practically with about 40% energy efficiency, though refinements in technology can probably increase that to closer to 60-90%.

    Then have an aiming block, which is basically a mirror to re-direct the beam in the direction of the receiving block.

    The receiver then receives a certain amount of power, based on the distance to it, and based on the specific frequency of the FEL (which is changed based on what undulator is used).

    Here is a graph of power received / distance transmitted, along with all the needed calculations: Power Profile

    Extension to suggestion:

    Satellites which can reflect the laser back down to a target. Have something that you launch, which deploys a mirror entity thing at about 2k blocks above the ground which reflects the beam back down at the chosen target, allowing for transmission over mountain ranges. This could also probably be used as a weapon as well as power transmission. To do this would require a beam which does not exceed a certain width by the time it gets 2k blocks, the mirror on the sat can be focused such that it re-converges the beam on the receiver, for much less than the expected loss.

    Additional Extension:

    Possible upgrades could include:
    4-8 different undulators/wiggler (choose which name you prefer?) in the microwave range (or 1 which has some way to tune it, though somehow more expensive to tune smaller wavelengths?) the more advanced one, the longer the range (see the spreadsheet for specifics, higher energy, longer effective range)
    A gamma undulator, This one allows it to transmit through non-air blocks, but is much much less efficient (can't use standard mirrors for gamma). Maybe also damages things that walk into the path?
    Require the receiver to have an upgrade based on the upgrade in the laser (thinking along the lines of efficiency of reception is based on antenna length, so 1 size fits all won't really be efficient).

    Except that calculating sunlight requires spherical geometry. Anyway, a power transmission system would probably involve lasers, so there would be no spread. The energy loss would be a fixed amount based on the conversion and some slight increase based on the properties of the substance transferred through, (opacity, density, ect.) anyway, a mostly fixed loss would be useful for this sort of purpose, so that it becomes a reasonable alternative at extreme range, but very impractical over relatively short distances.

    at extreme ranges lasers do have spread, usually a few mili-radians or so.

    The systems which I have seen studied for long range power transmission all used microwaves, which will have a small, but not negligible spread. The main reason why I suggested this method was that it gives a simple calculation for adding in a loss, It also somewhat conforms to the difficulty in collecting energy from a laser or microwave system.

    If I was suggesting a laser based system, I would have added in the equations for working out the power based on a Gaussian beam distribution, and used that to calculate the amount of distance based loss, which can be found here: laser profile (updated to now be numbers for minecraft, rather than needing 200km range on the laser)

    I guess you could use the above system as well, Have it draw a line from the source to the target, Identify the first receiver on the way, then use the calculations in that spreadsheet to work out the received power. You could then have the transmitter be a FEL with the "upgrades" being undulators for the beam

    Yup, i dont get why people say they dont have mass becuase they do, just so small there is no measurable reading for it ^^

    Photons must have exactly 0 rest mass if they go at the speed of light. This is why neutrinos do not go at the speed of light, as they have mass (they go almost the speed of light, as their mass is very, very tiny). If something has mass, It cannot go at c.

    They have momentum, and might have "gravitational mass", which is too small to measure, but they do not have inertial mass (i.e. they do not interact via the Higgs field), which is what is generally referred to as mass.

    Because we have ofcourse no Idea how Gravity even works at all. Well, except for the attracting part.

    I have thought about quite a few ways how Gravity could work in particular, and all these Models I thought of made gravity manipulation impossible to do with any Technology. According to my Model, it is just a large Energy field, compressing matter together by fusing gravity Fields of "Mass having particles" together, making it larger, and so more attractive. But that's only what I thought about, a while ago about physics.

    And according to that Model, "Forwards Time Travel" is just the IRL-Variant of local Lag.

    one thing to consider: even particles with no mass are affected by gravity, Photons are affected.

    The most successful model of gravity (General Relativity) models it by mostly ignoring "How" it works, and describing acceleration instead. There are other models which describe it as an effect of the electromagnetic force, but those require additional microscopic dimensions.

    From what I learned in this video, the SC will lock the fluxons inside it in place when in a magnetic field and can spin around the center of the field. So my theory is that you can connect the magnet to the SC itself so it will lock itself in space.
    You can manipulate how the magnets work to make the SC move and ultimately everything move. If the SC disc is thick enough it can probably hold up a spaceship or something.
    There you go, quantum gravitational engine! :D

    Odd that they are not using the standard name for it, which is the Meissner effect . In type II superconductors, This effect is not complete (see, and causes the flux vortices at the surface which allow it to maintain its superconducting properties at higher field strengths, Even without these vortices, it would still levitate. to move the superconductor around, all you need to do is create a field geometry which forms something like an ocean wave, and then the superconductor will be pushed, in the same way that a boat is pushed by the wave.

    This technically is not a gravitation engine, as there is no modification to gravity at all. A true gravitation engine will affect gravity itself, which we have no idea as how to do that.

    Still, hovering on self-locking SC-magnet combos is badass.

    Edit: Started a new page 2nd time in a row, lol

    Superconductors levitate for a similar reason to water (the free electrons have the same effect as the non-valence electron pairs in water, resistance usually dampens it, superconductors lack that), but some more complicated stuff going on as well.

    Superconductor boots should make you float above magnetizers, without the need of the iron fencing.

    Not to mention that too strong magnetic Forces like the Strawberry Magnet you are talking about (I know about that thing) are damaging the Blood, as Iron is used to transfer O2 to where its needed.

    It is nothing to do with traces of iron, it is the water itself. Water is diamagetic, which means it will repel any applied magnetic field. This effect is absurdly weak and requires those very large magnetic fields. The iron in blood is not ferromagnetic like bulk iron, as ferromagnetism is a bulk phenomenon, and only occurs with above a certain number of particles in a certain configuration. The iron contained in blood is single iron atoms inside an organic latice, and is no longer able to form a ferromagnetic structure.

    This means that there will be little to no effect on a human floating in the field, as it will repel the blood approximately equally to the rest of the body. In extreme field cases, then you will get problems, though it is due to different tissues being affect differently (more water, more force), but this will only occur once you get to the kT or MT range, which is well above the amount needed to float.

    Suggestion: "Uranium from water"

    Based on something that was mentioned in the original GT thread, I decided to bring back up this idea.

    I worked out, that to sustain a RL nuclear plant, requires only about 3.2*107m3 of sea water per second.

    Converting to minecrafts gross underestimates of stuff, I would say this makes a stack of water per second sound ok.

    Two ways to go about implementing this:

    The first way is to add a machine that has water piped into it, and requires that a constant amount of water be supplied to it (3200mB/t would conform to the above suggestion).
    While it is getting water at the above rate, the progress bar slowly fills, and after the time that a uranium cell lasts, It produces a uranium ore (the real systems produce yellow cake from sea water)

    The second way is to add a machine (preferably multi-block giant thing) that you place in an ocean, and provided that there is a large enough amount of contiguous water, It will slowly generate uranium ore, in the same way as the above, but without consuming water. Then have a restriction of too many of these in one place, will slow down the other's production.

    Ok, I will update this post with some calculations which should allow for the power to be transmitted an arbitrary distance, depending on your choice of angle. the simplest way to implement this would only allow for power to be transmitted along the x and z axes, but if you have some way to do rotations, then you should be able to send it any direction.

    If you do this, you might need to put a restriction on how close together the receivers can be, say by having them take up slighly more than 1 block (maybe even have them something like the ICBM radar dishes in size, but only collect from 1 block worth of area?)

    Needed Mathematics:

    Note: I will probably use z as vertical and y as horizontal for these calculations, as that is what I am more comfortable using.

    first I should mention that I know very little about java syntax and coding (only ever used C and lua, have looked at java a couple times, not much more), so hopefully you can convert this into the needed format

    Let the transmitter be at location (x0,y0,z0) and the receiver at (x1,y1,z1)

    Let θ be the total angle spread of the transmission (I will use units of radians for this, an example in degrees would say be 15% for short range)
    Let PT be the power transmitted and PR be the power received.

    The distance from the transmitter to the receiver would then be r = |(x1,y1,z1)-(x0,y0,z0)| (I assume there is a vector maths library or similar?)

    The basic calculation needed would then be:

    PR = Min(PT, PT/(rθ))

    You would also need to check that (x1,y1,z1) falls within the cone of power transmitted.

    This can be used to check that:

    Let φ be the angle counter-clockwise from the x axis (if only transmitting along and axis, will be much simpler than this, also, I am using y as the other horizontal axis for this calculation)
    Let ω be the angle down, starting from straight up (so vertically up is 0, straight down is pi)

    The midpoint of the beam at distance r would be:

    (x2,y2,z2) = (x0+r*sin(ω)*cos(φ), y0+r*sin(ω)*sin(φ),z0+cos(ω)).

    To check that the receiver is inside the cone, then check:

    |(x2,y2,z2) - (x1,y1,z1)| < r*sin(θ/2)

    Rounding down the distances between points at each step would then add some nice amounts of loss.

    You should also check that the line from the transmitter to receiver has no other receivers between, or this could be exploited (if you only check loaded chunks, then you could have power transmitted over unloaded areas. If you want to make certain things block the signal, you can start the check from the transmitter, and disallow anything after whatever blocks it from receiving power)

    Note: Depending on how forge handles directions, you should convert whatever it uses to radians before applying the above formulae. Also, these equations will technically work even if you go and swap around x,y and z, so you might not need to modify them much to work in MC's rotated frame.

    On implementing this for different ranges:

    I suggest having a range of upgrades for the transmitter, preferably quite expensive, which serve to narrow the beam. You should probably also have something that automatically points the transmitter in the direction of a receiver (say you right click receiver first, then right click transmitter and it orients itself).

    For the transmitter upgrades, Maybe have each one decrease the angle by a factor of 2, with the base angle being pi/6 or pi/12 radians (30 or 15 degrees). As shown in my previous post, a 15 degree spread will lose over 50% of the power after 8 blocks, so probably start there.

    with this, 4 upgrades will result in transmitting 128 blocks for the same loss.
    8 upgrades would allow for a transmission of 2048 blocks.

    PR = min(PT, PT/(rθ/2n)), where n is the number of upgrades

    To balance this, Maybe have it harder to add more upgrades, or have multiple upgrades for range orders (say tier 2 upgrade is made with 16 or 64 tier 1 upgrades?)

    You could also then have an upgrade which increases the power transmitted.

    Suggestion for Crystal dust -> Crystal method.

    Add a new block that is a Crystal Synthesis machine.
    It could probably work via zone melting, which is used to grow high purity single crystals. You could also use this for making your data crystals, say by having a dust made from combining emerald dust with platinum dust, then zone melting that into a single data crystal.

    Something similar could be used for making the various types of energy crystal, where rather than using straight rubies and sapphires, you need to make the crystal base of them first, say make lapotron base with sapphire dust + lapis/lazurite dust, then lapotron base + advanced circuit/circuit in the circuit assembler -> Lapotron crystal.

    Not just high, it would be almost impossible to start it short of using an actual star

    Anyway, have you tried Polywell? It is smaller than ITER, way smaller (as far as I know it theoretically could work with the containment structure about 1.5 m) and it could be fueled by proton (aka hydrogen) + boron fusion, which make it safer, and because it nearly doesn't spew out neutron, most of the energy is in the alpha particle, making it much more easier for direct conversion to electricity (no steam). The advantages that I could think of is a nice spaceship capable of taking off from land and go to mars directly

    One slight problem with the polywell design over the ITER is the difficulty in setting up the correct field geometry to contain the electrons.
    The ITER should produce 10x more energy than it consumes, so that technology would be viable for power production. As for the polywell, It is very nice in theory, but I do not think than anyone has managed to design a field geometry which can contain the electrons.

    For the lack of neutrons emitted, that has nothing to do with steam, as even if it just emits energetic helium, that helium's energy would then be converted into heat, then used to make steam, then used to make electricity. The importance of the lack of neutrons is that it will not make the inside walls of the device slowly get radioactive.

    The battery is a Modified Tier 3 device, so it has a max transfer rate of 1024 EU/t. The teleportation, because I agree it would be Overpowered, will have a 50-75% EU loss rate, I might even add a energy loss dependent on the distance + a baseline loss amount

    My suggestion for how to do the calculation for energy loss, How about do it in a realistic manner?

    This will point in a specific direction, and, rather than having an energy loss, Have an energy spread. You do this by having it project in a cone (maybe some sorta upgrade to narrow the cone). Any receiver in the cone will pick up the amount of energy relative to the area of the cone at that distance (and then prevents any receivers "behind" it from getting energy)

    Based on the angle of the cone, you can tweak the energy loss, and the energy loss will increase with distance, though can be countered by adding more receivers (then have the receivers be expensive)

    If you want, I can go and determine the needed calculations for making it work at any angle.

    A sample however: If the cone angle is pi/12 (15degrees), then here is a table of distance/flux, where flux is in % of transmitted per block (these are rough calculations, can be refined for a bit more accuracy). Also included a 1 degree cone (pi/180)

    Distance (# chunks) Flux(pi/12) flux(pi/180)
    1-3 1 1
    4 0.95 1
    8 0.477 1
    16 (1) 0.239 1
    32 (2) 0.119 1
    64 (4) 0.0597 0.895
    160 (10) 0.0239 0.35
    320 (20) 0.0119 0.179 <-- 82% loss at 20 chunks for narrow, 98+% loss for wider.

    I apologize about the formatting on the table, seems tabs go poof when posting...

    This would then allow for long distance transmission (have whatever is needed for focusing be rather costly) and will have a fairly realistic way of determining power loss.