Posts by dispatchcompg
Sinai I believe the reasoning behind this was that there is currently no way to have any type of security rights on any type of pipe or tube; so anyone can pump things into or out of an extractor. I don't mean to put words into Thunderdark's mouth but I believe that was the reasoning behind them not being iSided. However you can put a hopper on top of the extractor and that can accept automated systems. I'm currently just running one hopper as a small buffer to my setup and manually refilling it every couple hours. Hope this helps!
@ the update. /sadface about no longer having any sort of energy surplus via conversion feeding the extractor. That was a nice little bonus to expending the 8 or 13 diamonds required to just start the process.
Possibly debug settings still enabled in the code for testing by mistake?
Playing 2.72c (awesome btw. Thx Greg) iron dust and coal dust in a 1520K blast furnace is making refined iron, not steel (a MC 1.4.5 version was just making steel). Looking through NEI, it appears that there are no receipies for the 3 version of steel (ignots) around except from block or steel dust. Is this an expected change?
Having the same issue as Xarses. Able to create steel via a RailCraft blast furnace; however the industrial blast furnace is creating refined iron versus steel for the steel recipe.
EDIT: Disregard below. I'm blind and missed the panes. Texture packs go!
On an unrelated (to the above) note; placing the correct (expensive recipe) components for a solar panel (with solar panels enabled with the expensive recipe flag set) is not creating a solar panel. No item ID conflicts that I'm aware of (no NPEs or anything amiss in the log files that I can see reading through it). If someone can confirm or deny using 2.73a I would appreciate it. -
You try bottom or top yet noskk? I just got my whole setup updated to 1.4.6 so I can test if you don't want to real quick.
EDIT: Just tested. Neither function. Bottom nor top.
The config is completely meaningless. The default is how Greg chooses to present his mod. What's more, it says this: "I know how to balance your mod better than you do." Every time Greg alters a recipe, he says he's better than the original mod's creator. Whether or not this is intentional is irrelevant.And I am growing a pair. By not mindlessly embracing an exercise in bad design.
Considering most mods or mod addons don't take cross-mod interaction into account whatsoever; in this case, this is correct. In order to balance recipes to a more difficult degree while taking cross-mod interaction into account recipes needed to change. Take forestry and IC2 bronze for a perfect example. Both use the exact same 3-1 conversion of copper and tin. The only difference being people received 4 bronze ingots in forestry to 2 in IC2. Both balanced in their own right to vanilla minecraft as forestry makes much larger use of bronze than IC2; however it has no automated means to retrieve said ores. The time investment made up for a larger number of ingots per component. IC2 however adds basic automation via Miners. A balance descrepency arises and (myself included) most people took the easy route to get the most of their components by using forestry bronze for all their bronze needs. That seems to me to be the route GregTech is going (along with adding very high tier items -- more goals than just -- mine to layer 12; get iron on the way, smelt iron, gather some tin / copper, grab redstone, grab diamond; make quarry and creative mode ahoy).
128 blocks if you want to get technical. At 128 blocks from the player mobs despawn the instant they spawn. At 144 blocks no mobs will spawn ever. However upon placing even one block at light level 7 or below at that distance (in the end or in a void space) if the player moves 16 blocks away something will spawn. But this is really rather off-topic now.
On topic, congrats on the release Thunderdark. Will update this if/when I migrate to 1.4.6.
I really don't see how anyone could have a problem with a recipe change so long as said change doesn't alter or modify code expressly forbidden to be edited (in this case resources in the source code).
To reply to you Crafter I was having the same problems with the newer versions of NEI and CCC in 1.4.5...Never found the root cause; I just rolled back to an earlier version that was available.
There is no component in Glowstone Dust that actually glows, maybe redstone, however it is made up of components that don't seem to glow. (Silicon? Pyrite? Rubies? Ender Eyes?)
Thus, delete Gold + Redstone recipe to Glowstone Dust, however it will be replaced with--> Glowstone Dust
is Gold Dust,
is Redstone Dust and
is Phosphorus Cells (if it exists)/Forestry Phosphor.
Also configurable.
Centrifuging Glowstone Dust with the new configuration produces the ingredients back.To quickly touch on this. The entire "raison d'etre" of that recipe was to have an expensive (relatively speaking) alternative to going to the nether in case someone happens to be really really unlucky in finding diamonds (Personally have in the last 3 genned worlds using metallurgy with doubled settings for base and a limited max diamond spawning y-level of 16). So please think about all the consequences before running through NEI and going "HURR DIS TOO EZ". Changing that recipe to anything requiring a machine that requires advanced circuitry completely nullifies the entire point of the recipe existing in the first place.
Same thing really goes for the gunpowder secret recipe. Also meant for those who either A) Don't have an established mob farm; B) Don't want to dick with creating one or C) Are a lame-ass playing peaceful instead of Hard (semi-joking here; the point still stands however).
Something certainly isn't being calculated correctly. Fun bugs are fun!
I need modes so bad
Imho you still have to carry a drill around even with the vajera simply because it works too well and will break everything. I'd love a 1 block per click mode.You still can one-block-one click with the Vajra, just have to be quick about it :P. Though I will agree it functions much much better as a mass clearance device.
Ah SQUIRREL! attacks again Zaromas; I was too one-track minded to see your original post. Not quite how things function. Right-clicking the forcefield itself with a multitool set to the correct setting will allow/deny entry for those with permissions. ID cards are used in conjunction with the security station to set permissions on a per-user basis (aside from the creator of said forcefield setup of course).
The external ID reader I believe (the rest of this is speculation as I don't play on any servers) functions in that someone who wishes some sort of access can pass their ID card that they made to some attached storage without exposing the storage block to the outside world. i.e. placing the ID reader outside the forcefield setup.
However, looking at (the latest as of this post) that external ID reader no longer exists in NEI.
The first sounds like an old old old bug from the original advanced machines from zippinus in that the machines wouldn't complete their last operation if it would completely fill the last output slot. The second sounds like a GUI update isn't being cast to the player entity.
Lag...The bane of everyone's existence and typically the end for most modded minecraft worlds. Nether isn't really laggier than the main world; the opposite should be true (on a virgin untouched nether; one that hasn't been ravaged by pumps and all the other technological goodies that screw with lava flows and create all kinds of CPU overhead for all the block updating required). Nether has more spawn checking to be sure due to how mobs there (outside of fortresses) spawn; but typically less overall spawning space than the overworld.
On a server even in a void age you will still notice server tick lag and all that other happy stuff since worlds are still being kept loaded versus the listen server that's created in single player.
You could use mystcraft effectively for a void type age if you really wanted, however. You could even disable (via config) whatever you didn't want in mystcraft (examples being the crystals (one portal to one world only); age books themselves; hell even age symbols or the benches to create them).
Does anyone know a good way to make a End base without having all the enderman drain all the power instantly. It seems that there is no way to block the spawn in a area and they just add up way way to fast.
Half-slabs or stairs or any other transparent block or is flagged non-spawnable (Aluminum blocks or xycraft blocks / bricks if you have it). Or light. Endermen still follow regular hostile mob spawning rules in that regard. Using forcefields and/or security stations only I'd say get more power generation as my only suggestion. Lol.
Is Lithium Pack Considered low volt? Sorry the whole power thing is a tad confusing.
Bat Pack 60k
Lap Pack 300K
Lithium Pack 600K
Lapatron Pack 10MilLithium also the component that makes MFE's. Med? Something even more ironic. It's also a component made for the Mining Laser lol
That's kind of what I was thinking Kane. It seemed to me to be something of an upgrade on the way to (if using Adv. Solars) the advanced lappack. That the tiers otherwise looked exactly as you have them laid out.
if i'm understanding you right then you're saying it needs a constant, consistant source of energy during processes or else it doesn't work at all?
Another question: are the base powered machines removed by greg-tech or did i simply not install things right? They're not showing up in NEI
For the first, correct, they need a consistent 32 EU/t or 128 EU/t or whatever the recipe calls for for the entire duration of processing whatever recipe they're attempting to process otherwise the process will restart. EU splitter cables help immensely with it.
For the second, base machines are untouched; sounds like an ID error if they're not showing up.
Thanks for the explanation on operation restart immibis. Wasn't aware that was how the new machines functioned (as no other machine in any of the fifty-three mods I run does that). Also thanks to the blunt and terse responses from the other two folks that responded.
EDIT: Thank you also mistaqur for the configuration pin-point.
Error to report. The industrial electrolyzer WILL eat all stored energy in an energy storage unit (in my case MFE) if it doesn't explicitly receive the input voltage it's requesting. In my case I was attempting to electrolyze some bauxite dust with 3 other machines in-line before the electrolyzer running. I had over 400k EU stored in the MFE. The electrolyzer sucked the MFE dry and did not complete its recipe. (Long time lurker finally decided to register).