Wait, you can't just disable them through Elo's config? I know you can with her metals, but if you can't change the ores through her config, then that is just silly
Posts by Sirbab
Wha? Railcraft overwrote RIron with Steel? I'm almost positive this was never the case. If ever they were interchangeable that was a massive bug. Steel is MUCH harder to get than Riron. Riron is just Pure iron, whereas steel has a small amount of carbon in it. Also, i believe minecraft works with an Override system, in other words, if greg modifies x recipe, then another mod that also modifies that recipe, is later in the load cycle, greg's would be overriitten.
Edit, in machine recipes both metals work in many recipes for me. (ie machine block)
Crafter, read my post again, i understand that point, i want to be able to HALT the machine, so i can stop the infinite draw temporarily. Saavy?
Hey Greg, can you make the Machines not actually "consume"* the item it is processing? Or at least add a stop button, because if your power generation does not equal 128eu/t You are forced to disconnect the line, to finish that operation. Otherwise it takes infinite energy and does nothing with it. I realize there is a config to stop that behavior, but i like playing with the harder features.
* The machines take the item, and you cannot take it out, therefore allowing for infinite power loss.
Also, thebest, What has been Removed? Nothing to my knowledge, so why should there be lower tier items?
I'm just going to point out, that aluminium melts at around 933 kelvin, not 1700... Is this strictly for balance issues, or what?
Okay, which Ores frop these directly? "dustNikolite" and my Nether Ores are ofcourse valid.
Since the backpacks also carry ingots, i believe this is intentional, as it's to aid in carrying metals/resources no matter the form. (refined iron excluded of course)
Kane, you should just make a Super-UBER hardcore server, that only the brave like we will play on
I already play with everything hard, except for the small stack size. (since i'm too lazy to change the config XD)
And i want the freakin' Xycraft ores to be wayy toned down, just increase the drop amount soaryn, sheesh
I've never killed the Wither, because Honestly? I don't think the effort is worth it
Don't forget zinc there sir.
Greg, could you perhaps change the way nuclear reactors work? I would really like them to be bigger than just a max of 7 blocks, and move the internal components, to actual blocks, that you have to assemble. (and increase dramactically the power of uranium, because the reactor would be wayyy more expensive)
I'm fairly sure that it is traincraft guys, it's still a fairly WIP mod, so give it some leeway. (could be factorization, but i doubt it)
4x Nikolite ore = 1 diamond dust = OPed
trust me on this lol
Isn't it 1 tiny dust? so it would require 16 nickolite ore to equal one diamond dust, which is somewhat limited in it's uses. Afaik you cannot automate the mining of blocks of nickolite (or any other drop block) I'd say that it is pretty darn balanced. especially as they occur around the same layers. I have way too many diamonds as it is on my playthrough.
Some of you have been talking about Blutricity to eu, how is this done exactly?
I know you can transfer Bt-Mj with her engine, but how about Mj-eu?
Unless the electric engine has changed, i am a tad flummuxed lol.
(also, is there info on her engine's conversion rates?)
Loving the new additions greg, furthermore, i am very curious as to what this game you are making is about.
Anything by you i am sure i would love -
Not sure if this has been suggested yet, but how about a jetpack that uses a lapotron crystal, (maybe something like steel, or titanium too) that also has no limit of height. because i find it somwhat odd that everything else has an upgraded version, but not those
And you don't have to use mods you deem 'too easy'. What's your point?His Point is that you don't have to keep whining here, if you don't like it stop complaining, and don't use it. We don't complain to CPW, or RichardG on their threads that their mods are too easy, No. Because that would be childish and unbecoming of an adult.
I didn't say I didn't have Internet access, just that I probably wouldn't be able to update.Just bustin' your chops man, But i greatly respect Greg, and Immibis for their hard work, and i would like to say thank you to both. (And i would like an end to a silly argument in an otherwise great thread)
Thank you for that Immibis
but i have one small thing to say (Quoted from Immibis' Tubestuff) "I'm currently away until 27/12/2012 so I might not be able to update for 1.4.6 until then. Sorry."
I call Hacks here sir
Heh sadly though Quoted from a site about nuclear energy
"Fusion systems cannot melt down or explode since the fusion reaction only acts on a small amount of nuclear fuel at a time and can only occur if suitable conditions can be created and maintained for a sufficient time. If any part of the process does not work perfectly, fusion will not occur. In contrast, in a fission reactor, fuel is added in bulk and the reactor controls the rate at which a chain reaction occurs; if the control mechanism fails, the reaction can run away and a meltdown can occur." -
Without coils , if you are able to trigger a fusion reaction it may go out of control and consume atmospheric hydrogen and start creating a star (like the sun). Your house would be vanished along the world.
Well in most cases yes, unless you were only fusing say, 1 picogram of D20, and tritium. this would generate a very tiny reaction. (comparitively)
Progression should be a smoother journey. The Fusion Reactor should be functional with no coils, but the power output is greatly diminished and it only works with deuterium and tritium. Each additional fusion coil increases total EU output and EU/t, as well as unlocks additional recipes.Just going to point out that if you tried to attempt fusion with any coils to sustain and control the reaction, you would either blow up your building with searing plasma, or much more likely, nothing would happen, i do happen to agree that there should be more progression to the reactor, as it currently only needs one set of coiling for a reaction, it would be nice if we could either/both use more coils to make a complete Torodial Reactor, or use different coils that use things like Superconducting magnets, or the even more intriguing, piston powered fusion reactor.
Also, is it masochistic to wish that ALL heat related generators would generate steam, like in real life? Also, i Request more multiblocks! 1^3 meter blocks get a bit old after a while, so why not a 10^3 m generator for burning tonnes of coal at a time? which would then produce oodles of steam for use in our much more believable factories