On the note of fish kills, how about a industrial frier?
I was just thinking because you added so many nuggets to the texture sheet why not a chicken nugget?
Happy new years guys
[GregTech-6][1.7.10] Moved to Website [Closed]
- GregoriusT
- Closed
Hey Greg, can you make the Machines not actually "consume"* the item it is processing? Or at least add a stop button, because if your power generation does not equal 128eu/t You are forced to disconnect the line, to finish that operation. Otherwise it takes infinite energy and does nothing with it. I realize there is a config to stop that behavior, but i like playing with the harder features.
* The machines take the item, and you cannot take it out, therefore allowing for infinite power loss.
Also, thebest, What has been Removed? Nothing to my knowledge, so why should there be lower tier items?
There are mortars for low tier maceration, but nobody knows about it, it seems.
Hey Greg, can you make the Machines not actually "consume"* the item it is processing? Or at least add a stop button, because if your power generation does not equal 128eu/t You are forced to disconnect the line, to finish that operation. Otherwise it takes infinite energy and does nothing with it. I realize there is a config to stop that behavior, but i like playing with the harder features.
* The machines take the item, and you cannot take it out, therefore allowing for infinite power loss.
That's the point, the machines require a flawless energy line in order to function, if put on hard mode. -
Crafter, read my post again, i understand that point, i want to be able to HALT the machine, so i can stop the infinite draw temporarily. Saavy?
Either cut the wire connecting to the machine or disable that behavior on config.
Hey Greg, can you make the Machines not actually "consume"* the item it is processing? Or at least add a stop button, because if your power generation does not equal 128eu/t You are forced to disconnect the line, to finish that operation. Otherwise it takes infinite energy and does nothing with it. I realize there is a config to stop that behavior, but i like playing with the harder features.
* The machines take the item, and you cannot take it out, therefore allowing for infinite power loss.
Also, thebest, What has been Removed? Nothing to my knowledge, so why should there be lower tier items?
The idea is that you must make sure that you will have enough energy before doing anything.. not that bad just put MFE for each of those 128 eu/t machines.. btw for every process you can check the energy required in NEI, bases on this you can judge if you will have enough energy or not.. also.. splitter cable to stop infinite power loss..
Meh, your mod is making too much change too fast, I suggest you make some lower tier items, with less change, that lead up to higher tier items. Otherwise people who don't like change will completely look your mod over altogether
This is an addon for Industrial Craft. If you want lower tier items look at the Iron Furnace, Bronze tools, Batbox, and crops. Those are just a few early game items. GregTech is mostly about mid - late game stuff.
Meh, your mod is making too much change too fast, I suggest you make some lower tier items, with less change, that lead up to higher tier items. Otherwise people who don't like change will completely look your mod over altogether
This mod is going to fucking slow tbh.... Greg why you have life?? Seriusly this mod is not really targeted for the weak but for real men hehe.
What is the current story on the future use of Kanthal and Nichrome Heating coils?
What is the current story on the future use of Kanthal and Nichrome Heating coils?
There is one more item that have no use which is manganese dust...
I also really want a use for nickel other than heating coils... Factorization alternate magnets anyone?
Meh, your mod is making too much change too fast, I suggest you make some lower tier items, with less change, that lead up to higher tier items. Otherwise people who don't like change will completely look your mod over altogether
This mod is definitely NOT for people who don't like change. This is mod is dedicated to change. -
This mod is dedicated to hardcore minecraft engineers who like a BIG challenge
This mod is dedicated to hardcore minecraft engineers who like a BIG challenge
Let's keep it that way.
After about 1 1/2 MC months of playing, I still haven't gotten my Ind. Centrifuge yet. -
After about 1 1/2 MC months of playing, I still haven't gotten my Ind. Centrifuge yet.
Wh... What ? I've got one in ... 3 hours ...
Wh... What ? I've got one in ... 3 hours ...
I had terrible luck finding copper.
Let's keep it that way.
After about 1 1/2 MC months of playing, I still haven't gotten my Ind. Centrifuge yet.Lol, yesterday I started a new Survival World, with limited stacksize to 16 in all Configs (I added a new currently unreleased Config for all the other Blocks, like Cobble), switched the Thermal Expansion Recipes for Induction Smelter and Pulverizer to Hard-mode (there is a Config in Thermal Expansion for that alternate 2 Diamond requiring Recipe), and now I have a Base with a Minecart-Transportation Line (+ a 2 Wide Cobblestair Shaft next to that) to my Mine, made of Mineshaft-Rails (because I can no longer carry tons of things with me), an Electric Engine powered Furnace+Pulverizer from Thermal Expansion (easier to automate) to "macerate" and smelt my Ores. My Base itself is between Temperate Rainforest and Wasteland (both EBXL), and is currently made of these greenish Fir-Wood-Planks. Now I wait for all my Ores to process, and then I'm able to build more IC²-Stuff, than just a Batbox and a Generator.
While doing that I discovered a new awesome behaviour of Buildcrash! You can't craft wooden Pipes out of anything else, than Minecrafts Wooded Planks, EBXLs Planks are not working! Isn't that worth a HAYO!
And Mat, some people, like me, spend hours on mining BEFORE they begin to build any Machines, so that there is no shortness on resources, while building the Factory. Not to forget that one has to ensure a proper Food Supply, before building Factories.
I know a couple people been watching my LP Series. I ended up starting over because doing a team style build ended up being missing tons and tons of content that sort of ended up ruining the LP Series. Will still sometimes talk to the other players and do things together here and there but overall it will be about building my own base and getting my own materials and really going in depth with GregTech.
Here is the first of many episodes:
I know a couple people been watching my LP Series. I ended up starting over because doing a team style build ended up being missing tons and tons of content that sort of ended up ruining the LP Series. Will still sometimes talk to the other players and do things together here and there but overall it will be about building my own base and getting my own materials and really going in depth with GregTech.
Here is the first of many episodes:
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