Posts by Requia

    This is about giving Luminators some attractive quality, so people actually decide to use them. Once you have other mods installed there is absolutely nothing that justifies their existence.

    It's worse than that, they only have a tiny utility over torches (can be placed on ceilings), at the cost of a fairly complicated and expensive setup.

    I do appreciate the aesthetics enough to use them sometimes, but balancing them with unmodded minecraft would require ditching the EU requirement or giving them more utility given the expensive resource cost compared to a torch.

    Does IC2 make any changes to altitude limits? I'm finsing myself unable to build above 195.

    this is probably my server host, but I want to cover my bases before I bitch at them.

    Building some very high structures and wanted to use windmills to power it. I need clarification on the docs before I dump all my resources into this though.

    The wiki says that windmills can be built safely at an effective height of 149 or lower. Is that 149 above sea level (IE, I can build safeley at Y 192 without adding obstructions) or does it mean an effective y of 149?

    And can I build them safely all the way up to y256 if I have enough obstructions to keep the power down?

    If you need a specific reason for it, what about nuke reactors?

    1 second reactor pulses vs 20 second regular ticks. It's not exactly simple to sync the three, and I hemmorage uranium if I leave the thing turned on with full MFSUs while the cobbeminer runs (about 2 or 20 EU/t 24/7, depending on how I have it configured), even though they're set up to turn the reactor off when full.


    Made a backup (total copy of .minecraft), updated to minecraft 1.4.7 and loaded up forestry and universal electricity, messed around for a day. Restored the backup so everything *should* be the same as it was before I started messing around.

    Edit: Since then I've also replaced the 1.4.5 version of minecraft, unisntalled NEI, and moved .minecraft/config to backup, none of which have changes anything.

    Ok yeah, the TMI uninstaller is chickencode, that message goes away after I remove it (but still no server access).

    I've never used TMI, I had assumed something else was running that on its own.

    Tried a fresh minecraft.jar, no change.

    Is it possible this is a network issue on my end, and its not manifesting with regular web use? Behavior is similiar to a loss of net disconnect.

    Efit: Or oit could be ebcause the server isn't running NEI? was working fine before...

    Some server hosting software doesn't play nice with this feature, and you still have to combine them (and for whatever reason, some archive software likes to miss files when merging the two, even when it works fine for merging the single player ones).