Posts by Foghrye4

    Does it uses some specific (vanilla) condition to spawn?

    An exact code, which are in charge for Wailers spawn is:

    BiomeGenBase[] biomes = BiomeDictionary.getBiomesForType(Type.END);
    			for(int i=0;i<biomes.length;i++)
    					EntityRegistry.addSpawn(LostHeadEntity.class, 50, 1, 10,, biomes[i]);

    This code means, that Wailers will be spawned if there is biome with name "Sky" in biome dictionary for type "END".
    Hardcore ender expansion do so:

    ...effectively removing all mob spawns added before mod post init, if i'm not wrong.
    You may contact mod author and ask him to remove only vanilla enderman spawn to preserve other mods mobs.

    On unrelated news, i created new block and item with limited use. Switch unit and data cables. It could help to create redstone schemes more easily and a little bit more compact. It hard to understand concept even if i made a couple of screenshots, so i made a video:
    If you are expirienced IHL player you may skip playback to 13:33

    bear989, toltips translated, glass bottles as recipe input for basic molds added.
    Arwerious, IHL now have its own recipe config. Check ./config/ihl-recipe.cfg after fist launch of new version.
    Zulfurlubak, now you can drain light products from chemical reactors using IC2 pump on side or top if block. Heavy products can be drained from bottom.

    May i ask another question: what compatibility with TiCon were added in version 576?

    You theoretically now can use TiCo molten metals in molds.
    As well, after a inspecting how to do Mine/ModTweaker support i decide to make my own independent recipe configuration file.

    glass bottles would be fine, but without the tiny steel rods

    It seems i did not read your post carefully. Someway i was thinking about tiny ingots, sorry.

    They are here, named "barD10". I am using internal names of items for tooltip. I should translate them.

    Quote from Zulfurlubak

    Could you give some advices on automating Fluidized bed reactor? Specifically for processing mazut. I'm struggling with the fact that all liquids go into one inner tank and mazut being heavier goes to the bottom of this tank so I can't find a proper way to extract only products of this reaction.

    Hmm... may be i should add one more drain slot. Or you mean something more automatic, such as GT or buildcraft pipes?

    also the injection mold for tiny steel bars has no recipe, also do you get the cell back for the water cell for mlds?

    Both question have almost same answer.

    There is no tiny ingots in IC2 or IHL and there is no need in tiny ingots in IHL. And i have a limited space to new recipe outputs.
    And there is no enough space to place empty cells as output for those recipes. As an alternative i could use glass bottles with water as recipe input. What you think?

    How about new energy generators like turbines working off methan?

    There is no methane sources in IHL. Do you suggest to add them?

    Or chemical reactors/chemical reaction chambers to introduce some chemistry?

    Do you actually mean (played) IHL? May be this was a wrong thread? Chocohead answered on your question.

    Maybe electrolysers and electric arc furnaces to bring up pyrolysis processes?

    There is already 2 types of electrolysis facility in IHL. I can add arc furnaces, but for what purposes?

    You are welcome to suggest new crafting recipes for another mod items using IHL items. As well - new recipes for IHL machines to process items from another mod items or to process current items into other mod items. This very easy for me. As well you may suggest something entirely new, what you really want, but wasn't fulfilled in IC2 or GT.

    DudeWithOldTextures, i think you simple misclicked "Advanced machines" addon thread, yes?

    Foghrye4, I want to make sure you didn't miss this, I updated both IC2 and IHL and everything loaded fine, it was only after playing and my PC loosing power while playing that I have gotten this crash. I was just hoping you might know why it occured and how to fix the problem. The world was a video series on my channel showcasing GT5u and IHL together. Unfortunately the only backup I made was quit old and was basically needing a miracle to save my world/series.

    Yeah, this is weird crash (especially when you remove IHL and it still remains). I'm sorry i couldn't help you.

    also, plan to add any more new machines/cable types or so?

    I feeling really tired just thinking about it. I can add something on request if this would be fast and simple. A last thing i doing - a flexible wire relay signal block (redstoneConverter), although i drop it on a stage when i cannot find out why signal is not transferred via net.

    Crash report:
    I updated to the current version, and played for awhile, power went out on my pc and when I went to load back up this is what I get. I have tried removing IHL and back dating to another version and I keep getting this crash. any help would be appreciated.

    What version of IC2 did you use? Either try to use oldest IHL version you have got or try to use latest IC2 version. Latest IHL (0.577) should work fine with IC2 build 767 or higher.

    hey, why does the wooden rolling machine make 80 rolls of non-vulcanized rubber? where does the last 16 go?

    To the lair of Satan. ^^ Why it should be 96?

    hey does anyone know how to stop linking a cable? i have one that i mustve misclicked on some random block, and now, even when the block is mined, i cant get the cable to stop being attached by me. it keeps pulling me around, any help?

    Weird. If block is mined it should remove cable entity. In case if block was not mined, you could simple click again on it. In other cases you may drop an item on ground and forgot about it.