Linus, check the dropbox for the fishing machine thingy. I know they suck but I couldnt think of anything
Linus, check the dropbox for the fishing machine thingy. I know they suck but I couldnt think of anything
I remember there was a story of someone who just started playing with IC2, and all the person had a massfab powered by a generator.
Spwnx made a set up powering a mass fab using generators. 51 of them >.>
The thing is, entities that you can build on are incredibly hard to do, especially if you want things like redstone.
ew, facebook.
nukes are too complex on the experimental versions... i couldn't detonate mine :C
Place it down, and put itnt in the outer slots, then put nuclear fuel (enriched uranium or plutonium work best) in the middle, then redstone signal it.
wtf happened what is this thread about lol
Could you elaborate on the problem? Can you not make the dust, or are you using the wrong method
I will do textures for these if you would like.
Had the feeling like I would get attacked by Slenderman any moment this morning. Fogis not that uncommon around here, but that was as foggy as a cloud! That being quite uncommon anyway, it was really smoggy this evening. I had the feeling like there would be another nuke coming down any moment. Not to mention, smog is really not a problem around here, normally. Well, I am seriously considering to order that gas mask.
It was super foggy here too, although I think it may of been smoke o.o
I was hoping that link was greg's tutorial :p
Ok. I saw the recipe for Universal Cell. Why and how is it different from a normal Cell? Other than survivability in a canning machine, what particular uses does it have, and does it work to input fluids to GT machines from the GT machine GUI?
They are basically the same as cans from forestry for example, instead of hardcoding each liquid it does wierd code magic to work for every liquid. Its still WIP I think.
They were to make you feel safe, like a nuclear war shelter.
or house locks
Before modding Minecraft, yours truly did weird things to operating systems and other computer stuff. Like this, not like you'll understand.
If only the world was a thousand blocks deep >.> That would be fun
Come on, not another drill.
we are adding the geothermal drill which when right clicked with will suck up entire ocean biomes and put the water in your house
Was looking around in north korea on google maps, found this as a review:
seen Marshal Kim Jong Un here watching those Imperialist pigs from america playing Football, but those Capitalist swine's call it soccore or something like that. I've been in the DPRK for 6 months and don't think I'll ever go back home. Americans are so poor they can't even afford to buy their families food, or send the kids to school Dear leader has made this country a perfect Utopia. Thank you Supreme Leader.
Another person said that the local stadium was fantastic and has a huge area of over 14,550,000,000m^2
Ah, fake NK reviews. You crack me up.
Imgur has shifted out a lot of the double standards, but boiiii do we love the Repost standard (You reposted? You fucking suck. Now let me upvote your repost to the front page)