picture unrelated
picture unrelated
I made a generic one for use.
That wouldn't make sense. in RL you use lithium to breed the extrem rare isotope of Hydrogen, tritium, what is needed for fusion.
Yeah, it should be the otherway around.
Edit: Infact it is the right way around, you put in lithium and you get tritium.
Do you know where one can get radioactive rests Possibly with a still high Half Life.
Yes actually, I can send you the details of my Iranian dealer if you want
The thermal centrifuge SHOULD take 128... hmm... Are you sure there is nothing more then the CESU coming in?
It is also a nice trap to leave in someone else's base.
Poisoned foods mod? It would be funny, even more if it were undistinguishable from the good ones (while in inventory).
We should get iguana to do that register tons of things as "poisonous" and make it so that if you take damage with both the food and the poisonous item in your inventory, it could poison the food.
All a phone is is a small, weak computer with built in signal recieve/transmitters.
Also, KSP is crashing every few minutes. I think a mod borked it.
I was very tempted to ban you for being rude to yourself :3
you do know that my question was to siriusking not to sinnaj, right?
So, it's not about any steam pages or stuff like that but the rocket screens one or two pages before this.
- Shadow
Wait ... which ones ? XD
What do you mean?
The Kerbol system contains most of our planets, just renamed and slightly different. Although for obvious reasons they have closer orbits.
What would neutronium be used for?
Also, when stargates eventually come, will we be able to go into deep space itself and make a cool ship? If so, it better have 0 gravity and you better add Gravity simulators >:D
The only way I have ever been able to get into orbit...
God I suck at piloting these things.
Yes I would agree, but you didn't consider ender tanks, you are not able to figure out where the lava actually came from.
I really like your idea mat geology would add lots of fun and occupations in the late game. You could also add as you already mentioned isolation properties and a heat system in general.
Which is why i said that the only thing you can pump in it is water, so you can't teleport lava.
Then assume the plasma launcher/gun uses extremely strong electromagnetism to accelerate plasma outwards the gun, providing high speeds, alongside the heat.
Exactly. Its not just going to be high pressured matt. You need propulsion somewhere after superheating the nitrogen.
30 Days of your life just to say you can count?
I was doing other stuff too >.>