My Physics teacher set us a Hw Assignement, and either has incredibly skewed numbers or is thinking KW's are actually KW/h over a year o.o
Crunched the numbers and the island we are meant to be powering, with a population of 1000, is using up 11 terrawatt hours a year xD
Posts by SirusKing
Sirus you missed out 6)
Regarding rubber early-game, would it be possible to add Rubber Tree Saplings to the Bonus Chest? If it's there already, increase the weight instead? Stickreed is a pain to get now... I've spent about half a stack of wood on crossbreeding sugar cane.
I agree with 6 and I do believe it is on the TODO list to turn Biofuel into an actual liquid. -
TL;DR : You can distrabute the download for private server packs but not public packs.
Avast! and AVG are the best (by rate of virus detection) free Anti-virus's.
I would copy ONLY the important files directly from the source (the folder they are in, not the entire user folder) to stop any corrupted files or infested files from being copied on. Also get a new computer.
It probably isn't that hard to contact Imer. Wipe most of the site and just use its layout.
Replying to OP:
1. LV Is fine and the name is unlikely to changed. Also, Although the type is "Power" It is measured in Watts and Wattage, so it would be LW not LP.
3. The Crop system is currently, if I am correct in thinking this, being redone by Minalien for us. No idea what he/r plans are for it though.
4. Iridium in located in dungeon chests is temporary and will eventually be changed. It is not super important right now though.
5. I do agree with you on that bit though, the numbering is a little Odd. Although, Scrap does need a major buff currently since 5 Million blocks for a full quantum suit is just... EHH. Perhaps using denser materials like Gold or Uranium could yield more Amplifier.I also have a few ideas for making uranium byproducts more of a pain, such as making them only containable in Lead Crates or a fair bit underground. If the item comes into contact with lava or fire a block of molten uranium could replace it. Not sure how despawning the item would work though.
Because of the changes to the E-Net, the EU reader will not work for a long time. Ignore it for now
Most people say Amps as well, but the full term is Amperrage and should be used in most circumstances, same for wattage > Power. Power could be anything: Force, Emotional power, "Magical" power, but Wattage can only be Electricity.
Even then, thorium is super common and would take a very long time to run out of.
Moved, but since you started the thread here again do you want me to delete the first?
Suggestion for 2 new crops:
-Feather-flowers (or something similar):
Special flowers, that drop Feathers instead of any kinds of dye. Drops 1-3 feathers, unless buffed by GGR.-Leatherreed:
Exactly what it sounds like - a special, brown coloured Reeds which drop Leather.Both of these would be very helpful to book-writers, who like to write books, but who do not want to kill chickens or cows for their very needed resources.
Isn't there already a chicken crop -
Because IC2E is so different from original IC2.
Nope, not happening for now. -
It works with rv13.Ore in pure IC2 world
Another question. Experimental IC2 contains Silver ingot and three (!) Silver dusts but no Silver Ore... And Silver dust used to produce Glass Fibre... Why no Silver ore generated in the world?
We might. Meh. You can get it rarely from Gold byproducts (thermal centrafuge purified gold for 1 tiny pile of silver ;o ) so you need 2.25 gold ore and 1 diamond per glass fibre -
I don't like NEI. It can be used to cheat. And the minority (people who don't use it) people think you are using random cheat mods when they see it.
fixed -
CF to reinforced stone 'just mine it'?
ways too cheap...
Don't forget the iron scaffolding! Besides, This encourages you to use it as a building material. Previously that was its only use and it was a pain to get. -
How does your Minecraft not explode on your for this? Oh well, Jason doesn't explode aswell (not even in a Microwave), and he is an Egg.
And wouldnt it be easier to just draw a 2D Circle and put a 3D-ish Texture on it?
That's stupid and doesn't work as well -
I suggest AT LEAST Railcraft.
Apart from forgecraft But no, he never did a single player for 1.5
Wind mill to get more power... are there some new upgrades i dont know about?
No, Wind farms like spwnx came up with are just super op <3