Posts by SirusKing
Suggestion: Wiremill/Assembler Glass Fibre Cable recipe
(Unless I am hallucinating) there is currently no way of crafting Glass Fibre cables under the new GT autocrafting machines. So, my suggestion:
Wiremill recipe: 2x Electrum Ingot/Plate + 1x Diamond Dust => 2x "HV Wire"
Assembler recipe: 1x "HV Wire" + 3x Glass = 4x Glass Fibre CableThis is designed as a replacement for the current Electrum-enhanced Glass Fibre Cable crafting recipe.
Fibre Wire perhaps? You could replace the normal Recipes with that:
2 Electrum Plates + 1 Diamond Dust = 4 Fibre Wire
2 Silver Plates + 1 Diamond Dust = 3 Fibre Wire
2 Redstone + 1 Diamond Dust = 2 Fibre Wire
1 Fibre wire + 2 Glass = 2 Glass Fibre Cable -
Too bad that mod is super mega buggy.
Weeping angels mod, Statue is a stupidly rare drop.
Oh ok.
@bove But Solars are possible to build in Real Life, Fusion Reactors sadly aren't.
In about 100 Years it should be. -
Solar is a byproduct of Fusion energy.
But its crappy and Inefficient D:
Why don't you keep Stargates? If you find one(Please don't search for my Secret Stargate Storage, its kind if broken in a deadly way.), you can travel trough the universe for only some energy provided with Solar and Wind gens! Nuclear energy is really from yesterday! Even Ferengi dislike it!
Solars/ What am i going to do, Encase the sun with them?
That'd be a bug of the universe. Because that would induce nature-exploits, such as "teleporting" proton at 1*10^-100000 m of another proton, and so creating an insane amount of energy. And, even assuming it could be feasible, tnot to be "exploitable", the universe-laws would have to make that teleportation-like very energy-intensive, depending on the area you wanna go to (otherwhise it would break the conservation principle, which is, at least to me, the fundamental one).
I see a Statue thing in one of the Pictures, what mod is it from?
yeah but ... how do you think we would find these planets with our way of travelling space ? I guess the best we could do would be to join another galaxy, using a giant Biosphere-ship. So no way to harvest things so far.
Wormholes and Stargates? :3
That will never happen. At least, Antimatter generation, coming from Solar Satellite-power plant. (because it would be "easy" to transport).
Antimatter is a super efficient Battery, since 99% of it gets converted into Harnasable Energy.
I was talking about the Theoretical Mining of large Clusters of Antimatter using electromagnets. We found tiny little Traces of it in space, and its Possible that there are entire planets made of the stuff since the universe is so freaking big. -
I think your link is good enough Sirus
(I laughed to the "unless it's a banana phone" ^^)
Btw Sinnaj, I guess you're thinking Nuclear Reactor are slightly dangerous, because of Heavy Water. The point is, that heavy water is (supposed to be, without issues ^^) contained in a CLOSED tank, it's just used to transmit the heat to the second water circuit, but also as a moderator. (and, I guess also because it ower Neutron speed, and so increase the rate of fission/emitted neutrons). And the water from the second circuit is clearly not radioactive. Maybe about 10% more than natural water ... but if you looked at the link, you have seen than area like the Colorado Plateau or Brittany (yes, I know, I'm one of the only there knowing Brittany, because it's in France but ... ) is naturally more than 100% above the average. So 10% is nothing. DO NOT CRITICIZE NUCLEAR ENERGY, IT'S THE FUTURE!
Well, untill Efficient Fusion reactors and Antimatter mining.
@bove In areas around reactors, more children are born dead/with one leg/ill/... than in normal areas. That statistic.
Where exactly do you get these Statistics? You have stated something then provided no proof.
Heck, Sleeping next to someone for a day is about half as much radiation as living 50 KM from a Nuclear Reactor... for a year. -
Well, I'm glad to know that the bug is known and fixed.
Wonder why Mindcrack ships the buggy version...I downloaded the latest version and now my contraption works like a charm now, ready to be deployed on my server
Still sorry for having wasted your time though ...Becuase it was the one in the "Stable versions" thing and they never bothered updating
@bove The Stastics gonna tell you that I am right.
What Statistics?
Its a common misconception that Nuclear power plants emit much Radiation, any spare Neutrons that make its way into the Water that is being heated into steam just turns it into Heavy water. Sure, there may be a little extra tritium then normal water but not much, still need to drink like 10 Pints of the stuff over a year for it to kill you of Radiation poisoning -
@bove Everybody here knows, its allready denied for IC2.
@Mat, Sirus Reactors need, for example, water as cooling. And don't tell me that tbe water isn't radiated.Heavy water is stable, the only radioactivity is from trace amounts of Tritium and thats the same for normal water.
I wasn't sure about the last one so i tested it before posting.
ASP for MC 1.4.7.Really? huh
Yes to both.
ASP in desert during day + rain = daytime generation
ASP not in desert during day + rain = nighttime generation
ASP anywhere during night + rain = nighttime generationI swear if its night anywhere other then desert, AND its raining it generates no EU?
You can make them but its stupid, pointless and Inefficient.