Posts by SirusKing
On my server I have UU set to 100M a peice and Adv solars to produce 4/32/256 respectivly.
They are still reasonable as a secondary base power source, but not there for UU spam.2500UU in storage and havn't hit fusion.
I still think UU is op, and Particle Accelerators and Neutron Captures (Nuclear Transmutation) is much cooler/better/less OP.
Oh, i need Copper? Let me grab 3 UU matter out of a chest.
I really do not like the fact that the basic advanced solar panel now requires "matter". It is hard enough to get decent power from arrays of hybrids (that is a lot of materials) to get decent matter generation. Now even the 1 step up from the very basic solars requires one of the most advanced machines in IC2. I would ask that you change the recipe to not require matter. Just require a diamond or so per panel. That alone would still be a huge cost to get a large amount of EU from arrays of advanced solars.
Fortunately I am still playing the 1.4.7 version which doesn't require matter. No reason to upgrade now.
It requires UUMatter as a Balance point, without it the mod would be even more OP.
Solars, in my POV, arent meant to be used as a Major source of power, but as a Convenience to put in places with no Access to your main Power grid. -
I have a request.
When i use Natura and get Metal (Iron/Tin...) Nuggets from the Berries im not able to make Ingots, but im able to make Ingots from Thaumcraft Nuggets.
Is it possible to integrate the Natura Nuggets into the Fix?That would be its fault for not including the OreDictionary. Go Pester Natura.
1 Thing you need to know: Plutonium > Uranium
Unless you are using an old version.
What version of Gregtech are you using? -
As for the planned Steam-converter upgrade, will it work with every kinds of machine ? I mean, I can assume using steam for Mechanical Energy or Thermal Energy (because of water enthalpy) would be more efficient, but for Electrolyzer, exctractor or MatterFab ... Btw, excluding Electrolyzers and MatterFab would be balanced since these are the one allowing energy benefits ... (with Centrifuge, wich is however different because of the lows amounts of energy it consume)
It better use a Whole Steam Turbine per upgrade :O
Minecraft with IC², you need 1600 windmills to output like one efficient reactor. Thats not much different. 1600+ blocks (if you don't consider the air between).
Also windies are place and forget, nuclear reactors needs non-renewable fuel.IRL it is not much different, except that both require maintenance, although risks are a bit higher on a nuclear reactor.
1600 Windmills need 12800 coal and 12800 Iron (for the Generator) along with 6400 Tin and 3200 Redstone and 1600 Insulated Copper Cables,
Compared to the say 700ish of Copper needed and a bit of uranium... -
Why does a solenoid take steel to craft when using gregtech?
That's stupid as solenoids don't have a core, lol xD
It's like making a hollow box that's filled inside, doesn't make sense, now does it?Mining Pipes would be a better choice as they are hollow.
And MM has said not to complain about the Gregtech recipes for somereason. -
"Earth heat" or ... geothermal suff you mean ?
Basically, it's using the giant radioactivity-based (not fission) the Earth is
Btw, windmills are an excellent way to produce energy, but hey, it's not absolutely "clean", since you'll need tons of concrete (way less than Nuclear though ^^) and some not really renewable stuff like some special-light-glass-like, but above all, it's not like you can make some windmills powerplant everywhere, or it'll quickly become unefficient ...About solar, the whole point of it is "easy to use", as in IC², but the fact is 1 kWh (=3600kJ) using solar costs about 25 cents (euros) for photovoltaïc, 15 for thermal ... while Windmills = 7, Hydro electricity = 5, Nuclear = 4.7 and Coal = 4.5 ...
And it's not entirely "pollution free", since it need (not counting CO2 transport + setup costs) things such as ... mercury, or others toxics chemicals (depends on the type of pannel).
IRL, you need like 370 Square miles of Windmills per Small Nuclear reactor.... LOL
Yeah lol. If so, I guess some Lolly Pop-made goggles should show trees as Giant Lolly Pops, Water as Milk, Water as Chocolate and Grass as Ice cream ^^. Wait ... that's called a texture pack lol
Few things:
Perhaps a Heat bar? instead of Percentage?
Your Defualt ID's i think clash with IC2 Painters...
The Ash thing was pretty cool :3
Perhaps at Higher Temperatures, you can cool everything, not just Food. Would require a Heat Regulator, becuase too hot and Food would turn to ash, too Cold and say Cobble wouldnt smelt. -
Charcoal burns for only 4k EU as the burn process is not efficient.
Actually, giving correct amounts of energy, water and carbon dioxide we can fabricate gasoline and other "fuels". It is possible in reality and have been done before. Although it is about 8x expensive than extracting the fuel from oil, thats why it is not implemented in large scale.
And due to it needed Energy its basically just an Inefficiently Battery. So far the only 100% Efficient Battery i know is Antimatter.
EDIT: Let me rephrase that.
What would be more effective for dealing with mobs, damage-wise and disregarding energy consumption: Nano Saber or Vajra?
Vajra deals more Damage and you dont need to turn it on, but you could accidental break blocks, which is annoying.
Then we run out of energy and are not able to start another fusion.
Backup Fission Reactors?
OMG ThAt rectoor sux!!!!
MIne is much betur
http://www.talonfiremage.pwp.b…fc5jg8ldcsev0q25wt0w3b5kw -
"imagine Terrorists destroying the sun" ... with such statements, then even a
frenchUkrainian Nuclear Reactor is dangerous!Isnt it always? :3
Then we would use another 11 of them which we ofcourse saved up for cases like this.
Im not sure about a Fusion reactor but give me some Plutonium a hazmat suit and a bunch of steel/graphite and i will make a Fission reactor to power my Street
Its never good to have only one energy source for anything.
Why? the only thing i can think of is that they suddenly discover that some random product of fusion blows up the planet.
If you have multiple Reactors for places (I didnt mean use ONE, since you would probably need a fair few to power the planet) -
Actually... there are plans for Fusion reactors to be operational by 2015-2019... The main problem with them is how to handle the massive ammount of energy and of course, how to start the reaction.
Does anybody have any statistics for how much energy they would produce? Im sure when they get fully operational ones it would replace nearly all energy.