Why put Casuc in the title if Irrelivent
Posts by SirusKing
Maybe you should just change the topic to Fertilizer and Forestry discussion .
I am, and always be a supporter of fallout with IC2 nukes. Radioactivity is one of the main reason why people dont like to build nuclear reactors in real life, but in IC2, its irrelevant. That needs to change.
Radioactivity? WHAAA?
Anyone who thinks Reactors output a ton of Radiation into the Envirement needs to learn what "Coal" is -
May i suggest making the Recipes a little bit harder even? :3
Make the Iridium Iron plate require 8 Heat vents instead of iron -
The Filter is the only thing what makes Translocators still useful. Anything else can be made with Covers.
I have no idea how to use Covers. Making a side of a machine into plain White or redstone thing is it
Make the light helmets, along with emitting Normal light blocks, make a Client only Visual light beam so that It looks alot less Jerky. -
... To me it's quite better, I just accepted playing with Forestry since Multi Blocks farms. It was way too OP before.
Its Certainly more Balanced and much much Cooler, but i would still like to be able to Automate it, even if very Expensive.
Im pretty sure they dont emit heat to each other, and if so, only right next to them. What Design where you using?
Epic suggestion of failness!
Advanced Magnetizer!!
Works just like a vanilla IC2 magnetizer except it takes 128 EU/t and can move an iron block (instead of the player = elevator!!) up 128 blocks at about the speed of a non-hovering jetpack.
Attaching the iron posts to the bottom of the advanced magnetizer will move an iron block down the posts at the speed of a hovering jetpack (maybe a little faster. Assuming you aren't taking fall damage the whole way).Much rather an Electromagnet with Super conductor boots
Seriously, make it compatible with CPW mods! IC2 REQUIRES Forge and you are not allowing it to happen!!!
Please, Never Necropost.
Best Post ever.
*reports for spam* -
It was a tutorial. Now its a random stuff discussion.
You must be new here....
I am getting an error with Advanced Solar Panels viewable here. Can you help please.
Technic pack?
Step 1. Remove ID Resolver
Step 2. Fix the Conflict yourself. -
simply add some sentences on config file that provide the server owners the hability to ban some features of qsuit, like invincibility... or adjust the % that squit protect
Please dont necropost.
I don't want to blow up a lot of reactors =)
I want to have a nice control room. Advanced panels and constant layout is a step forward. Next thing I want for my rooma block with multiple buttons/levers. But I still have no clear vision how to link them all to machines
But it would be a Deffinate use, along with a little bit of Risk. If you use an easily obtainable Thermal Monitor and some redstone + Not Gate then its Safe
Also, i think you should add a better reason for the Actual core of the mod, Controlling Reactors. Perhaps make per cell a small chance for a little bit Extra heat to be made, so it would be actually usefull to have them hooked up to Stop Overheating. -
Does any of the helmets also generate light or are they just the "normal" helmets + recharging via solar cell?
Pretty sure the light thing was added by Gregtech, may be Vanilla IC2 though.
I guess the fact it's not fully automatable for now is INTENDED. So I hope that won't be done a day
But it would require a fair bit of Machinery, and you could make like 20 Fertiliser per Forestry Fertiliser.