Updated to alpha 8. Yay!!!
Once again, I took too long to get you and update - I was working with omurestu to fix all the bugs and balance problems he discovered (many thanks). The new version is much more balanced (especially breeder reactors - which can be significantly hotter now).
I also managed to get audio working, so reactors make sounds now.
Two important notes that I highlighted in the opening post:
(1) The Weeping coolant cell code has changed (in the backend) which broken compatibility with previous weeping coolant cells. The old items are now considered by the game as broken and the game will delete them when you first load alpha 8. I apologize.
(2) Reactor chamber heat capacities have changed greatly. Especially Containment and Ender chambers which were rebalanced with much less heat capacity. This could cause an explosion if you update while they are hot.
I also removed a test block I was experimenting with, you will get a single missing block message, its fine (the block was not obtainable).
It should also be noted that containment values have been buffed. Containment reactor chambers now absorb considerably more of the explosion than they used to. So mush so that 6 containment chambers should be able to completely absorb a high power meltdown (6 chambers absorbs 88.3% of the blast). Meanwhile, 6 Infernal chambers can absorb 92.5% of the blast.