4 Iridium Plates (which are un-craftable by IC2 Machines ATM)
Iridium Plates can be crafted, and if you're having troubles with the UU recipes: [Addon for 1.6.2 (and experimental IC2)] Custom UUM Recipes - Because Old Ones Just Don't Cut It!
4 Iridium Plates (which are un-craftable by IC2 Machines ATM)
Iridium Plates can be crafted, and if you're having troubles with the UU recipes: [Addon for 1.6.2 (and experimental IC2)] Custom UUM Recipes - Because Old Ones Just Don't Cut It!
hmm... Left wing modding? *raises hammer and sickle*
But yeah, although GT seems very hard or grindy, it is totally worth it
Doesn't add hammers or sickles though.
Britain took two
No we didn't, still buy milk and beer by the pint but petrol by the litre
Interesting points you made though.
Shift rightclick (or is it just normal rightclick?) with it on a block to set it's direction
Lithium could be used in nuclear technology in the future. Or it could remain useless. IC2 has had silver for ages, but before it only had silver dust, now it does ingots too.
I'm pretty sure it's more practical to have it burn infinitely, as you could use it in other situations too.
For those who don't want to join the Gregtech train, what's wrong with IC2's item ejector upgrade?
I thought you meant you could place the Reactor Chambers without them touching a normal Nuclear Reactor.
And yes, my sig fits my descriptions well
Post 1775
(No textures because I'm in a rush.)
A rush to do what?
3) How do GT pipes work with regard to liquid transportation?
Pretty sure they are quite close to Buildcraft pipes in the way if the end is blocked, the liquid will slosh around in the pipe, and decrease the amount that can be transferred until the backwards flowing liquid stops. Shutter covers can help prevent this.
Yes, they are called reactor chambers are they not?
Oh ok, thought you meant the extension ones
By reactor chambers do you mean the reactor blocks themselves? Ultimate Hybrid Solars beat any other power sources anyway space wise
took me a couple minutes to figure out that additional reactor chambers must touch the main reactor.
You can place reactor chambers without them touching a reactor now? They used to only be placeable on a reactor, otherwise they would refuse to place
In the world, just in case that wasn't obvious.
It should be. His drills are extending to itempickaxe, so it should work perfectly fine. Don't quote me on this though.
That'd make sense...
Updated Gregtech and the recipe's back. Wierd
No idea, but I updated IC2 and the recipe stopped working. Something has gone wonky.
It does space XP too?