You only complain for the sake of complaining, do you?
It seemed silly how annoying and expensive multiple layers of reinforced stone you need to replicate the same effects.
You only complain for the sake of complaining, do you?
It seemed silly how annoying and expensive multiple layers of reinforced stone you need to replicate the same effects.
Hardened Glass from Thermal Expansion can stop a reactor and a nuke exploding, with just one layer thick. Since things like water, lava and obsidian were nerfed to stop such things, shouldn't this be too?
Yes, but the Project RED bundled cables are a better example, I guess...
Buildcraft pipe wire has 4 different colours which don't interact. Bundled cables are 16 ones all in one thick looking cable
Good moral lessons here:
But we can build EV Windmill and there is no EV Solarpanel!
Bug CPW for one then
Alright, this makes me mad. You in the world, would pick, "Kill yourself"? What the fuck! I put that there for not a reason. That reason was, to see if anybody would pick that. I didn't expect some asshole to pick it! Whoever chose that, get out of my thread. Thats the only nice thing I'm going to say to you.
Probably just someone who escaped from the FTB Forum and thought it was Greg's post.
It needs space invaders to pass the time when no one talks
Oh, and can anybody tell me what Redstone Arsenal does?
Pretty sure they're just electric tools which run off Redstone Flux
Bundled Cables would be a combination of 4 cables in one block. These coloured cables making up each bundled cable would act as individual cables, and power would not flow between them.
Like Buildcraft pipe wire?
It is craftable though.
Is she going to limit syria's bedtime?
No nasty chemical gas attacks after 8.00pm young man!
Buff Diamond armour then
THEIF! It's not like I have hundreds of Nether powered geothermals in my single player world or anything
Where'd he get all the lava for them then?
'ruin' the image of IC2 "any further"
Describe any further.
Pretty sure archimedes ships has airships as much as you could want. Best thing IC2 could do was make them require power.
Thankfully I don't need to worry about any job at all
Some one would need to maintain it. No one would
Then i don't even know what the fuzz is about. Like that is exactly saying what Player was criticising.
Pretty sure it was something about third parties being able to get the code as well if Mojang wanted to give them it, without even consulting Player.