Counting down until midnight so I can get some Forestry Merry bees
Counting down until midnight so I can get some Forestry Merry bees
What would you guys think about:
- A machine that uses Biomass and Sand to produce Dirt.
- machine recipes to get a ruby from a diamond and other things
- the Sheep Rancher which shears Sheep (as suggested before)
I guess
Yes indeed.
Iron furnace with Iron PLATES right? You're not trying to craft with just ingots are you?
Woop, the long wait is over! If I wasn't in bed and meant to be asleep I'd be playing.
What's a MJ Uprade?
Item for GT machines for them to accept MJ as well as EU. It's lossy though: 1MJ=1EU.
Well, in configs already is boolean for SilverOreGen and both of them follow oreDict. Also, all other items do it too.
That reminds me another next thing. We should add GregTech recipes if its detected + config for that :O
How cool could be using Greg's Stuff for that. So hard, so fresh :3
That makes me confused
So much mods to add. Master, you have something to do
Oh good Config for GT recipes could be cool, maybe using MJ upgrade?
And also stop WorldGen Silver Ore if Thermal Expansion is detected, because its weird have more types of silver. No reason
But, Nether Silver Ore will still be availible :3
Config plz, I likes to stretch GT's ore unification
I can't see why reducing one ore spawn rate is easier than increasing every other ore. Guess I'll have to stick with COFH Core
has revealed you need to tone the generation down by a LOT
Wrong - he needs to buff all other ore spawn rates
Display More*Bugs*
1. Localized names are not localized correctly.
2. Gui's still don't work. Goes with the crashing on click bug.
3. It says theres an update, don't trust that. It's all a lie.
4. When the Electric Engines explode, they don't always drop.
5. Your game crashes whenever you click on an engine. *Major bug!*
6. Engines don't explode correctly.
7. Can't change id's for silver stuff. *Major bug!*
5. Etc?.....
BUG 8 - The bug list etc is 5 not 8
Cable melting at too high voltages and machines exploding because of too high voltages are both disabled, so you can use any cable with any voltage to any machine. It will return when the E-net is less broken.
100% yes again, despite the fact it's a yes what ever you choose
FTB's a mess right now, the 1.6 update broke stuffs. The bugfixes are patchy too.
Lets discuss balance of soul shards!
Who needs soul shards when you can have EE2?
1week 'til Christmas
Is it a bug or just the way it is that when you try to copy the texture from logs with an obscurator it's always the log going upwards?
The hazmat suit should render hanging off the backpack. Oh, and you need to be able to wear the backpack so it can go on Bibliocraft armour stands
Like a Forestry backpack for IC2 stuff? (Misc Peripherals added that I think. Either that or Plugins for Forestry)
I meant the post directly above me, not you. I see the logic in how it doesnt make sense
Oh ok then
IC2e feature custom explosion that ignore blocks with resistance over 999, also it shoud treat any resistance over 100 as 100, this will make all types of armored stone as effective as reinforced stone in terms of nuke explosion resistance.
That'd do it.
The game told me to yell at you.