Posts by Chocohead
I know all of that. You missed my point. The things I want to know is what are they planning for the future, I see that they want to make this as close as possible to BC - for example, judging it by the latest experimentals. I like the idea - the two mods are complementary. What you miss in BC - you have in IC2 and vice-versa... I see some items not used in the game mod right now - they keep them for the future - like obsidian dust - for example... I would like to know what they will make out of it - like I first said - I want to hear about their plans for the new IC2 v2
Stuff like that. And I would like to see an updated IC2 wiki, with all the new stuff there...BTW - I am most troubled with the CF (construction foam) can't figure it out... Anyone has a clue how to fill CF Sprayer ? There's talk about fluid CF in canner, but I simply can't make it, nor I can place empty CF Sprayer or Sprayer backpack in my canner machine's slots...
I am using build 2.0.193
I'm guessing something like this?
IC2 Expermental Info? -
The lighting with that pic as well makes it looks even worse
I know this has been suggested before, but nothing happened. Anything worth doing is worth doing again.
Can we get connected textures for construction foam? Or at least a way of texture/resource packing it. I realize it's not the most important thing to do, but one of the nice aesthetic touches to make your CF foam house look a little nice.
I could load the mod without issues using latest experimental (190).
However it's not possible to build the panels because recepies are missing for Iridium and Universal Usable Amplifier.Maybe you could synchronize with the IC2 team what the plans are for those?
Do you just need to wait until IC2 adds recepies for those again or is work needed on your side?When cheating the panels however they appear to work.
UU's getting reworked. If you want the panels legit, you can still turn the hard mode config off -
Aaaand i didnt see the star. I mistook it for empty space (as it is a bit dark).
Well, you could allow us to produce antimatter in a more technical way [damn particle accelerators + liquid UUM], alongside having us to carry some oxygen cells while in unstable dimension (as there is only unstable air, not fitted for living) ?A better way of getting it than you go mining is really needed. In a server enviroment , the whole idea of get there first, and get it all seems a tad limited to me. A config for the cost too plz. Some people ain't got time to mine hundreds of thousands of blocks in SSP.
A particle accelerator sounds like a cool idea. Maybe crafted with some antimatter, so it isn't completely unrenewable. -
Wait, did you expect that an app could get the sensor information without internet connection?
He said new toy. A new toy would have no need of wifi. - has responsive design and small weight, it should look nice on phones.So it does. All you need to do now is put free WiFi everywhere.
IC2-energy seems mostly under control What new toys do you want?
Phone version of the internet sensors -
I am very curious: how are people building the solar panels when you can't obtain iridium or uumater in IC2?
Not using hard mode? -
Cool! Someone approves!
I do too you know. As long as it works -
I wouldn't like it... I always take an existing image and recolor some things in it (but sometimes i draw textures myself.. oh, that's a pain!).
Wait a second.. I could use Hazmat suit as a base. That should work.
That could make sense, as if any anti-matter touched you = you dead. Hazmat suit is full body protection after all. -
If someone can draw graphics for it, yes.
What's wrong with pink and black boxes? -
Well then, antimatter doesn't explode when you touch it. When it meets matter, it just releases a ton of energy and destroys matter, but it doesn't explode.
You should add an armor that stops you from touching the anti-matter, in the same way you need oxygen in a Galacticraft world. -
My opinion is to add a 17th paint color, made of black and yellow dyes called "dark yellow", which blocks connection to machines.
Dark yellow? Stripes all the way. -
Seriosuly, cant you just let me fix the fucking Bug? There is just one Item ACCIDENTIALLY requiring stainless Steel, and that was the grinding Head.
Greg raging at SpwnX is funny
and there always the in between where most of the gaps if not all are closed up. While still offering the choice to condense your supplies down. Like say chip in a couple of diamonds for some quartz.
True. Things like blaze rods and bone meal are what really broke EE2 for me. -
Indeed. Now add Asteroids like GT and it will be better
The asteroids need 15 second chests on -
+1 For:
PortalGun & iChun Util
Tinker's Construct
FactoryzationEDIT: +100 for GraviSuit (Really wanna make advanced nano chestplate :3)
I'd go with that. FYI, still want compact windmills and Galacticraft back too
Extra trees/bees has a 1.6.2 dev build too, so me want my nice wooden house backEnergy Manipulator is either OP or useless depending on what the config is set too. EE2 ideas were mostly all good, just never properly balanced with other mods. EE2 alone took a long time to get the higher tier stuff, especially in single player.
Make loot chests which explode after say 15 seconds from being opened