Add an item that can absorb parts of the damage.
Better hazmat suit.
Add an item that can absorb parts of the damage.
Better hazmat suit.
On Atomic Disassemblers:
I'll make them deal random(0, 25) damage to the player upon use. Damage will ingore armor.
This post will be like a think-tank for AD.
Needs config. To control how random, how much and whether you even want to.
I doubt they'd ever add brick windmills in, just the rework the normal ones. I say we do both to help them along the path to nearly rewriting IC2. It's a good idea after all.
I'm OK with that. Now all we need is to persuade the IC 'team' to add our windmills in!
EE was a magic mod after all. Atomic disassembler sounds really dangerous though. Will it have different blast ranges depending on what mode it is in like the catalyst?
I like those thoughts. Although MY OPINION is that yours is wrong and shouting opinions is silly.
It's half 6 in the evening where I am.
Metal windmills do not look nicer. They are mearly more practical. We need both.
They look ugly and the locals complain. Look what happens in the UK when anyone trys to build one.
I want ones like this:
Ugh. You do realize you are basically trying to race to bottom except the bottom in this case is the most OP thing possible?
Lies. The funniest things possible. You are not being forced to use them after all.
The bugs like macerated blaze rods and bone meal could have been easily fixed by detecting differences in the maccerated or crafted item. Then EE would have been fine. Red matter furnaces rocked.
Cables can NEVER touch the ground directly, then need an E-net machine to attach to
Real windmills would be cooler, especially the old ones like you see in Holland.
They don't fly, they have floating cables for support.
Woop! Things just keep getting better. Yes. More EE item replacements.
It drains power like crazy. And no, 32x32 = 2 * 32 * 2 * 32,so
64x64 = FOUR 32x32
Quarry consumes ~60 MJ per block broken, 64 x 64 = 4096, therefore
60 * 4096 ~ 245760 MJ
So it does. Maybe should be faster then.
Have you got the latest one (
My miner mines 32x32 in about half an hour. Is that okay or should it be faster?
I read that a Max size quarry takes about an hour per level, so half a max size quarry should rake half as long. Could be faster mind you as I can't remember how much power a quarry needs to mine an hour a layer at max size.
Yay, better better things!
No. We need the new mechanics. One cat cannot do all the work by itself. No matter what my cat tells me.