Really? Is there no better named element?
Really? Is there no better named element?
Found a bug Immibis's saw conflicts with a forestry bee habitat finder.
Nope, doesn't work.
I'm currently considering making remote accessor an unlimited version of Wireless Access Terminal from AE.
Why? Just cause. OP? Yes it is. If it is OP, why do you make it? Because AE's WAT just doesn't cut it.
It's gonna have a rather difficult recipe.
Dang. I have nothing against an infinite ranged receiver. I always find myself just putting terminals everywhere. OPness is no reason to not do something.
If it does... I won't tell if you don't
Quick question, if this is a player right clicking... doesn't that mean AE's grinder crank would turn with an RS clock?
Two things. One, is it build anywhere that isn't someone's house or plots? Two, how many people have actually joined so far?
Add Level storage as it has cool sprites
Greg, you missed a bit. All the stuff people don't like about the changes are blamed on you. Your Player and Thunderdark's scape goat.
Why no buildcraft? Even with quarry's/pumps disabled?
Letting them accept the covers is a really good idea. Would it reduce block IDs needed as well?
Next time player makes a new build with his e-net meddling probably
More EE stuffs! Even if it is supposedly OP, it's waaaaaaay to much fun to not add
Still wish this was for 1.4.7 when mods were pretty stable
I blame Rail craft. Covert's already uploaded one patch for experimental, but stuffs changed since then and I bet he's included the API like he always does.
Do you have the Memory of a broken Hard Drive?
That's too much pointless. Who said Thunderdark was going to use brick windmills without our 'help'?
Being able to scale it up to make it produce more would be cool. Like you can have small windmills or really big ones.
I made my first prototype. Completely pointless for anything other than a bit of Redpower blutricity generation and looking pretty good. The actual IC2 one would be considerably smaller.
Looks pretty similar right?
Terrafirmacraft used to completely screw up the ore dictionary, and I expect it still does. They might work, but no guarantees.
I bet it was atomicly disassembled.
Might try making one using Redpower windmill for sales.