Apologies for dumb question, but how do I turn on nightvision goggles in the nano or quantum helmets again...?
there are two extra buttons in the key settings that are used in conjunction with the M key to do that and the quantum jetpack.
Apologies for dumb question, but how do I turn on nightvision goggles in the nano or quantum helmets again...?
there are two extra buttons in the key settings that are used in conjunction with the M key to do that and the quantum jetpack.
Im not done at all
I go to try better textures for engines again. I probably know what screwed up! :3
Because In original source, textures has one pixel space above end of the plate. So, I just put textures 2 pixels down and it should resolve glitch
try that for a start...though IDK if you'd have to get permission to use them.
Not really. Just all too confusing. Also, I'm sick again. So, expect me to not develop at all. I might still, but very slowly.
That sucks, especially this time of year.
I fixed most of it.
Stupid errors. *Grumble* *Grumble*
hey, if it was easy, anyone could do it.
big thing that has to happen for a beta is the configs for silver stuff to work as right now the item ID's for the nuggets conflicts with forestry and replaces the fertilizer which makes using forestry and this impossible
and making the engines not cause a crash when clicked on (GUI) is the other
the HV pipe isn't required just yet as only the Adjustable engine can exceed the standard wooden pipe.
Got my system back up!
After two hours of backing up my data, doing doing random shit to my computer... Windows 7, and Windows 8 combined.
Pure awesomeness. I kinda love Windows 8. The only thing I hate about it, is there's a back door for Microsoft, and the NSA to collect your data and shit. I wanna hid all my porn now (Just joking! :P).
yeah...better testing (BC quarry) has revealed you need to tone the generation down by a LOT. (and I haven't hit bedrock yet)
the stuff is way more common than even iron.
I didn't even know it updated the poll. o_0
btw, testing in the alpha reveals a BIT too much silver ore generation.
I think I'm currently getting ddosed. My computer keeps dissconnecting. I do know who would do it, but I am not sure of it. Till then, I can't dev currently. And, I'm on ny phone right now, by the way. So dis regard any mistakes.
that bites, btw I think I fixed my Eclipse problems....will test later
Ah, okay. Okay, since I can't get blue thunder to work as particles (without modifying minecraft), I'm just gonna re-color redstone particles, blue. If I ever do get blue thunder to work though, I will change it to that.
check out the resonant induction part of mekanism from UE. It has lightning shooting between tesla coils. IDK if you can do anything with it, but there are mods that do it.
Sure... (I don't even know what that is. :P)
ac-dc converter.
DC. Because, a dc motor with ac power, would blow up.
not if it had an internal rectifier!
Display MoreI just tested the compacting recycler, it's definitely not outputting scrap for every item inserted for me.
However, it is still outputting more than it should. Each stack in the screenshot represents the results from a full stack of recycled material. The average return was 17.777... scrap from 64 blocks, where IC2 standard should be 8 scrap from 64 blocks. So for me the compacting recycler gives roughly twice as much as it should.
While testing the thermal washer, I noticed that water supply via a buildcraft pipe wasn't nearly fast enough. The processing would halt and wait for more water all the time. So I broke the buildcraft pipe to replace it with something better... But, this act of breaking the pipe caused all three new machines (they were side by side) to instantly explode as if given too much power. EDIT: yeah, seems the thermal washer constantly drains water while hot, and behaves like a boiler (add water to a dry tank while hot -> boom). And even a fluiduct isn't nearly fast enough, good luck keeping this thing fed
Finally, shift-click support would be great
single pipe? no, found that it takes at least 2
but you might want to consider a BC pump for each or place one in between a pair, they can output more than a single gold pipe can handle
I did a quick test and it indeed yields scrap with a 100% chance.
Also, Is it supposed to reach 90k gibbl?
Even at only 40k gibbl, it takes merely 5 seconds to scrap a whole stack.
One more thing, what aobut upgrade slots?
Speed shouldn't be the issue, but I'd like to be able to put some transformer/energy storage or even better, ejector upgrades into them.
the original advanced machines didn't have upgrade slots and this is a "faithful" update to that mod and as such it is unlikely to get any upgrade slots.
There are already particles.
Redstone particles. If I learn how to make custom particles, I will make blue lightning happen.
uh, blue lightning? that to me sounds like sparks and sparks aren't good from electrical equipment....though...you do see sparks on the brushes and commutator (assuming DC motor and we aren't told if EU is AC or DC)
bundled power cable? absolutely! precolored wires...yeah
circuit breakers....make it so they can be set to a specific amount not tiers. sometimes we want an exact amount not the default tier settings
Alright, this makes me mad. You in the world, would pick, "Kill yourself"? What the fuck! I put that there for not a reason. That reason was, to see if anybody would pick that. I didn't expect some asshole to pick it! Whoever chose that, get out of my thread. Thats the only nice thing I'm going to say to you.
never give a-holes a chance to reveal themselves... they will take it.
Google it?
Either that, or reinstall windows. Depending on what you have of course.
I think I'm gonna go buy Mac OS X Snow Leopard now... I rather not download it, if you know what I mean...
no error codes, no information...but it only does it with MC...(for now). The only way to test is to unplug the webcam and see if it still freezes...I can't imagine it is MC itself causing these issues.....unless it is somehow bugging out massively and causing the issue due to some christmas themed mob that is trying to spawn...maybe I should try peaceful as well.
I have somewhat of a idea.
Also, since my teachers being a asshole to me right now, I think I'll just drop the group I'm in at school. Meaning, more development time.
ouch....now if only I could figure out why my comp is hard locking in MC I'll be really good to go...(thankfully I keep backups of my maps)...prob that (*#$&(# webcam....
No, a magnetic gear that when held, it sucks up items around you. Like magnet mode in NEI.
oh...would rather make it a vacuum, (Poltergust 3000).
IF I can figure out how it is done, I'll try.
Recipes? Magnetic gears? Magnet gears required for the recipe of a electric magnet that sucks up items?
obsidian pipe + engine does this already.