to put it bluntly
CF pellets are GONE!
you have to fill the sprayer with liquid CF via the bottler or by putting CF powder in water (right clicking not throwing) to make a CF liquid source block
Posts by Kye_Duo
Do you guys want me to work on recipes? Or implementing the broken thermal expansion thing?
recipes...then TE
(I'll start doing what I can on Sat to see if I can fix the HV wooden pipe and look at how bad the engine code is...maybe together we can get this thing out) -
what about a third mode where there are no enchantments and a low power consumption? That way it can be a useful general upgrade to the diamond drill.
Then why can't you play minecraft and have skype open at the same time? Also, yeah. You do make an interesting argument about the silver ingots. I'll remove them in the next alpha release. But, I will still keep in the silver nuggets.
think its the USB webcam...(it is not the first time this webcam has given me problems) I guess I could try it without the webcam and see... -
Well... at the time it seemed like a good idea to include silver ingots and silver nuggets just in case. I might as well have silver ingots, and nuggets since I already have silver ore.
Well... you could just jump right into modding like I did. I actually learned a lot of things when doing this. Like, for 1.6.2/ 1.6.4, you need Resource Locations. And, isn't your laptop already shitting out on you? It might not be able to run mcp and minecraft at the same time. Although, my computer only has one giga-byte of ram, windows 7 x64 Home Premium, and I'm running mcp and minecraft at the same time. If you know already know nothing, whats the harm in learning java? Or modding Minecraft?
no, I have a desktop Win 7x64, 8 GB RAM, AMD FX-8120, AMD Radeon HD 7700 attached to a 47" HD TV.
I guess it couldn't hurt to have another set of eyes on the code even if they are a total noob's.
and it would only make sense to include silver ingots (and nuggets I can't remember if the latest IC2 adds nuggets) if this was a standalone mod, but since it requires IC2 that adds ingots, there is no point. -
Well... I can tell you guys right now, that next alpha release isn't gonna be soon. Like, at all. Almost never since I keep getting this error.
This is why I skipped not doing config files for the silver things. I mean, the on and off config works for silver ore generation, but the config for silver ore, block, ingot, and nugget, is broken. It's almost like the file never gets the config file's numbers it sets for the id's... *wink* *wink*.
I don't think you even need the ingots (and maybe not the nuggets) as IC2 adds it(them).
Man I really wish I knew how to program in JAVA. -
And the reason why I added silver in was because mods didn't add it in.
yes, which is why common is in quotes. -
Fair points, although a config to disable its generation would please those who doesnt want any additional ores.
that is an almost requirement for mods that add in ores to the game, especially something "common" like silver -
Yeah, your right. I did add in silver ore, but I'm not sure if it actually generates and what level it generates on. Hmmmm.... having troubles choosing a cape?
yes. yes I am.Although that was not necessary as you can extract silver from gold ore (using thermal centrifuge) or many other mods that has silver, mainly GregTech.
there are those of us that don't use G-Tech and would like to have an alternative to the extra long process. -
I know. I added them in any way since IC2 (if I recall correctly) doesn't generate them naturally. Generation.
I already have your name down. I only need a cape url from you. As in, the url you want your cape as. For example, mine is, ''. I need that from you.
note I said ingots, not ore.
You can add ore (and please DO. I don't want to have to deal with the massive hassle of the extra steps to get silver. Though I do have a planned 8 hive silver bee farm started. I just have to build the apiaries and make more silver bees. Which is easy as I somehow got silver bees with 2x fertility)
hmm...cape....I'll have to get back to you on that. -
I don't think you need sliver ingots as IC2 adds them.
edit: btw, ingame name is Kye_Duo -
I do. I just don't use it that much since my other sibling uses it a lot. By the way, I'm adding in capes for developers and a special block that only allows developers to get and change their gamemode to creative. It will however, be almost impossible to get (besides cheating it in :P). Tell me what you guys think! By the way, two more people and I will release an alpha!
well....IDK...personally I don't think it should be craftable at all, unless the code will only let the devs/doners use the block, then make it craftable. -
I do.... diamond version. However, I don't have a good to ds to play the game on. My ds is almost broken. It's actually to the point where, if you put the screen in a certain position, the entire top screen will go white. Not very fun, especially when the touch screen is not working correctly and your L and R buttons are also broken.
wow....someone needs a 3DS for christmas. my DS the bat died because I didn't keep it charged after I got my 3DS. -
I would love that move! I'm totally getting Porygon in Pokemon FireRed.
FireRed? uh, you don't have anything newer? Of course there are downsides...imagine cleaning up after a 6'3" dog (Arcanine) or seeing a spider that is 3'7" (Ariados) long in the body (not counting the leg span) -
Ha, yes. I do too... I do too.
Porygon! Fix this coded! (that is what you would love to do) -
It makes me smile that people are actually participating in the poll. I really had a bad day at school again. Too much stress from it. And too many times of people being assholes and jerks to me at school.
eh, just remember they'll likely be working for you later in life (if you keep your grades up and get a degree that is actually useful)
and it is times like this I wish pokemon were real...bully picking on you? Machamp use mach punch! or Gengar use scary face! (prob would be better to just scare them than hurt them.) -
I have. The engines way of doing it is completely different. Normal: The entire method does nothing. Engines: The method transfers into another method. Then that method actually does something. Which is converting eu to mj. Don't really know it myself. I kinda just mash things together and hope it works. By the way. Do you people on the forums want a beta release of the electric engines? If I get at least five poeple to say yes, I'll release only the electric engines. ONLY THE ELECTRIC ENGINES!!! The other things are still in alpha. Like the pneumatic generators, the bug with them currently, is that they produce power even when its not receiving eu. It's producing constant power. Who likes free energy? Nobody does. It ruins the game completely.
personally, release the whole thing as a beta and make sure people know it is a beta. Put a bug list right above the DL link and keep it updated. (and technically the generators would be receiving MJ not EU as they are supposed to output EU)
looking at what you are describing, the gauge wasn't going on an EU storage but an MJ storage for whatever reason...which is kinda weird....and would mean a re-write of that part of the engine code if you wanted it to store EU.... -
I don't know. I'm trying to do what the machines usually do. Show the bar even when its not on, and has energy inside it. The problem is, I don't have a 'energy' for ic2. I do however, have one for buildcraft. But it doesn't work the same obviously.
you can't look at a bat box or something and see how they do it and see if it is even close to what is going on with the engines? -
So... do you people want to start over again? I'm kinda wondering that myself since I can't read any of this code. I don't really understand whats going on and, what does what. What are your thoughts? Should I just keep continuing? Or quit and restart for the hundredth time?
what do you mean "can't read any of the code"?