just what is a "0" chamber reactor?
the zero chamber reactor is quite simply a reactor alone with no additional chambers.
now most designs i've seen rely on at least 2+ chambers for the design to work and that's fine if you like that much digging and crap...
but for those of us who enjoy simply getting the nuclear reactor core and not using 20+ cooling cells and HDs coming out the ears post your ideas here.
here are 3 designs ive managed to scrape together
1: the poor-mans breeder
im sure you've all seen the giant 6 chamber monstrosities out on the forums but here is a design that enriches 2 cells for the price of 2 while generating power (self sufficient to a degree)
DC=depleted cell and the
are empty spaces
this reactor has an 80 min cool down time between each run and reqs exactly 18 water cooling and i mean EXACTLY.
any more and you wont get the 50%+ you need and less is a waste of energy (not all are req but these help strengthen the reactor you need at least 4 at the corners)
2:simple but effective
now for those of not concerned with breeding uranium and making it last, or just need power now, here is a design thats no mess or fuss
this design can run nearly infinitly with no explosion risk AND uses the same amount of cooling as the breeder above!
(note there is a 16 sec cool down time between each run so if your faster than this with changing out fuel than there is a 500 run limit)
(not all are req but help strengthen the reactor you need at least 4 at the corners)
also not how these designs are extremely similar so as not confuse new players or bother with complex arrangements
the cooling is simple and dosent have to be changed and the extra Reactor plating strengthens the hull
3:more bang for your buck(not explosion)
this design is a bit more complex but will yield 3 re-enriched uranium per 2 used cells (not bad for 0 chambers eh?)
DC :Coolant Cell:
DC :Uranium Cell: DC
note: this design has a 60 min cool down between runs with a 24 water cooling req and just barely hits the 51% mark per run.
note: cooling must be exact here too much and nt enough energy/ too little and you get boom
all breeders are a zero heat start and run in full cycles at a time aka: uranium cells being used
so gents ive started the ball rolling now lets see some good designs!(note reactor must be 0 chamber and can use any amount of water/air cooling)
:Reactor: have fun with new relatively cheap and efficient 0 chamber designs! :Reactor: