Just that.. a cropcard that lets you plant mushrooms in your crops!
They require a light level lower than 7 and they like humidity.
well, there aren't lots of things to change..
- 1.6.2-1.0b: Initial release
- 1.6.2 - Download
Just that.. a cropcard that lets you plant mushrooms in your crops!
They require a light level lower than 7 and they like humidity.
well, there aren't lots of things to change..
2 warnings:
* you need two special parameters to let forge run minecraft with a modified jar (and delete the meta-inf, blah, blah, blah)
* (at least to me) warnings about missing textures always appear, even if the texture was correctly loaded..
i think that its easy seeing the decompiled source of ic2
maybe a distcharge of 128EU(/t) to any mob/player who tryes to cross the portal
that is a good idea for a topic on the off-topic section
nether stars? Bedrock? A command block?
attach a batbox to the output of the transformer and the output of the batbox to the matter generator. The batbox will only send 32EU/t and 32EU/p (valid with a MFE unit to send 128EU/* instead of 32)
put an ender egg on the recipe and it will be balanced
Iron furnace: pointing to the old furnace.png location on the minecraft.jar
Armors: pointing to the minecraft.jar instead of the ic2.jar
Furnace: change the GuiIronFurnace to point to the new location, change it to point to a new furnace.png on the ic2.jar or modify the minecraft.jar and put the furnace gui on its old location
armor: modify the ItemArmorIC2 to point to the ic2.jar or modify the minecraft.jar..
just make it open source, so anybody who wants can update it
Sometimes someone does something really working... ) That is gerat)
Did you tried to do something with nanosabre?
Ive been trying to fix that bug, but at the moment i couldnt..
This is nice - BUT - doesn't seem to work if you have Forestry installed. It gives you a validation failure.
tried it with build 1.118.401-lf and dev-deobf_1.118.401 with forge universal 1.6.2-
did not work. any suggestions?
that build is working for me..
i'm using the 1.6.2 build without any problem just the bugs of the armors and the iron furnace that i've fixed
The builds are here: http://ic2api.player.to