Iron Furnace GUI and Armor Fix

  • Okay guys, after some JD-GUI searching and whatsoever, this is the problem for the missing Iron Furnace GUI and Armor:

    This has working textures

    private static final ResourceLocation background = new ResourceLocation("ic2", "textures/gui/GUICanner.png");

    These have broken textures

    private static final ResourceLocation background = new ResourceLocation("/gui/furnace.png");


    return "/armor/ic2/textures/armor/" + this.armorName + "_" + suffix + ".png";

    I've tried creating a resource pack with the paths of the respective textures in the zip file:

    • assets/
    • assets/ic2/
    • assets/minecraft/

    But still doesn't work.

    • Official Post

    How about textures/GUI/GUICanner in the zip? Maybe it wasn't updated to assets folder?

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.

  • Iron furnace: pointing to the old furnace.png location on the minecraft.jar
    Armors: pointing to the minecraft.jar instead of the ic2.jar
    Furnace: change the GuiIronFurnace to point to the new location, change it to point to a new furnace.png on the ic2.jar or modify the minecraft.jar and put the furnace gui on its old location
    armor: modify the ItemArmorIC2 to point to the ic2.jar or modify the minecraft.jar..

  • Iron furnace: pointing to the old furnace.png location on the minecraft.jar
    Armors: pointing to the minecraft.jar instead of the ic2.jar
    Furnace: change the GuiIronFurnace to point to the new location, change it to point to a new furnace.png on the ic2.jar or modify the minecraft.jar and put the furnace gui on its old location
    armor: modify the ItemArmorIC2 to point to the ic2.jar or modify the minecraft.jar..

    I think I'll modify the minecraft.jar then to not screw Railcraft up.

  • I think I'll modify the minecraft.jar then to not screw Railcraft up.

    Can you please provide the modified jar file then, or tell exactly what you did to fix it?

    It appears that Player and Thunderdark are working on IC2, at least a bit, but no new builds have been triggered. Either nothing is ready yet or they intentionally don't make public builds anymore (until they feel the code is right).

  • Can you please provide the modified jar file then, or tell exactly what you did to fix it?

    It appears that Player and Thunderdark are working on IC2, at least a bit, but no new builds have been triggered. Either nothing is ready yet or they intentionally don't make public builds anymore (until they feel the code is right).

    Those issues are really annoing an an otherwise almost fully working version for 1.6.2...
    I would assume that fixing those would be little effort (being a developer myself, just not versed in minecraft mods), and make a lot of people happy.

    I have given up on it. Keep getting errors in my log file saying that MC can't load those textures.

    And distribution of jar files, unmodified or modified, is illegal.

  • 2 warnings:
    * you need two special parameters to let forge run minecraft with a modified jar (and delete the meta-inf, blah, blah, blah)
    * (at least to me) warnings about missing textures always appear, even if the texture was correctly loaded..

  • you can patchout railgay signature checks, i posted fix some time ago, everything located in single class and can be just replaced without side effects.

    but best solution is abandon railgay completely